Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.226 January 2025
P. 45
Enhancing Safety Standards
in Chemical Laboratories
Safety in chemical laboratories is of utmost importance for those working in this field. Maintaining safety
protocols not only helps prevent potential accidents that may occur to personnel but also reduces the risk
of damage to public property and the environment.
Managing safety in chemical laboratories is a process 4. Chemical Vapor Ventilation System: The laboratory must have
that involves multiple factors, especially the knowledge a continuous ventilation system through air ducts. The airflow speed
and experience of personnel within the organization. should be sufficient to prevent accumulation and residue, aligning with
These elements play a crucial role in implementing safety the designed room pressure. Additionally, temperature and humidity
systems in a tangible and practical manner. Beyond must be controlled, with real-time monitoring and display of these
personnel, another significant factor is the physical parameters.
characteristics of the laboratory. Laboratories must be 5. Lighting and Sound Systems in the Laboratory: The lighting
appropriately designed and equipped with the necessary and sound systems in the laboratory should comply with occupational
tools and equipment to support operations. This includes health standards as stipulated by ministerial regulations to ensure worker
having a good ventilation system and well-organized safety. Given that most chemical laboratories are equipped with
architectural space allocation. However, if there is a need numerous instruments, noise pollution must be controlled to prevent
to improve or modify the laboratory to enhance safety, adverse health effects on personnel.
the following approaches can be considered: Improvement in the laboratory can include the use of various software
1. Surface Safety and Walkway Management: tools and automated systems, such as gas detector for monitoring gas
Ensure adequate lighting for work activities, fire-resistant leaks. These detectors can send signals to the system to automatically
and flame-retardant surfaces and materials within the shut off gas supply valves, enhancing the efficiency of the ventilation
laboratory, safe and unobstructed walkways, and clearly system. If flammable chemicals are used in the laboratory, materials
marked emergency exits. with fire-resistant property should be employed to further improve
2. Emergency Management: Install appropriate and chemical laboratory safety.
comprehensive fire suppression systems covering the Chemical safety in laboratories can be achieved through proper
entire area, along with audible and visual alarm systems waste management and disposal of materials and equipment. Moreover,
to ensure workers can promptly respond to emergencies. personnel must remain vigilant and monitor any abnormalities in
3. Chemical Storage and Handling: Implement the laboratory to address issues promptly. The most critical factor is
gas leak detection systems with annual inspections, regular training on correct operating procedures to ensure workers have
enforce strict control measures for handling chemicals, the knowledge and skills necessary to handle chemicals safely.
maintain chemical storage volumes within regulatory
limits, and separate storage areas by chemical types to
ensure safe usage. More Information Service Info C008
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