Page 26 - FoodFocusThailand No.227 February 2025
P. 26


                           Packaging Design Ideas:

                           A Perfect Blend of Aesthetics

                           and Functionality

             In 2025, the development of packaging designs and materials will undergo transformations driven by
             technology and consumer demands. Packaging design will not only emphasize functionality but also focus
             on sustainability and enhancing user experiences. Innovations and technologies will be adopted to minimize
             environmental impacts. This article explores eight key trends influencing the packaging industry in 2025,
             helping businesses design modern packaging that meets customer needs.

                  Sustainable and Eco-Friendly               Packaging Designed for Easy Recycling  Designing
                  Packaging One of the most popular trends   packaging for easy recycling will gain popularity in 2025. This includes
             in  recent  years,  which  will  continue  to  play                                using materials that clearly indicate the appropriate recycling methods or
             a significant role in 2025, is the development of   creating packaging that is easy to separate, such as paper wraps that can
             sustainable packaging. This often involves the use   be detached from plastic components without complicating the recycling
             of biodegradable or recyclable materials, such as   process. Such packaging can help reduce the use of natural resources and
             paper and plastics made from natural resources, to   increase the recycling rate. Consequently, this approach will become an
             reduce the reliance on single-use plastics, which   important focus for packaging manufacturers and brands.
             contribute to marine and environmental pollution.
             Additionally, materials with a low environmental   Smart Packaging In the future, packaging will not merely serve
             impact, such as bioplastics or reusable materials,   as a product container but will be integrated with technology, evolving
             will  become  requirements  and  standards  in                     into "smart packaging." This will elevate consumer experiences and add
             the packaging industry as consumers increasingly   value to products. Technologies such as sensors and Radio Frequency
             prioritize purchasing products with environmentally   Identification (RFID) will allow consumers to access product information
             friendly packaging. Concerns over global warming   instantly, such as checking food freshness, measuring temperature, or
             and pollution from non-degradable plastics drive this   monitoring product status through mobile applications. This enhances
             awareness.                                 convenience and speed while increasing consumer confidence in
                                                        purchasing products with transparent information.
            26   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  FEB  2025

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