Page 23 - FoodFocusThailand No.227 February 2025
P. 23
the global trend in pet food development emphasizes creating entrepreneurs can enhance product value by adopting
more diverse product appearances while prioritizing pet health. sustainable packaging, which in some countries is a requirement
Consequently, the institute is working on developing functional or policy for imports. Moreover, sharing the brand’s story through
ingredients to enhance the nutritional value and health benefits packaging and leveraging artificial intelligence can effectively
of pet food in various aspects. contribute to increasing product value.
In addition, the National Food Institute provides Additionally, the National Food Institute recognizes
certification and testing services, such as chemical and the importance of reducing food loss and waste. It has
microbiological analysis of samples, and support analytical collaborated with the Creative Economy Agency (Public
equipment from the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). Organization) and Department of Industrial Promotion with
The institute also offers assessment and consultation services the projects of transforming leftover raw materials into food
for implementing quality systems in food factories, proficiency products. The institute also promotes knowledge sharing with
testing services, instrument calibration, and F value testing local communities and farmers in cultivation areas to establish
(sterilization of food products). Recognizing the importance of sustainability standards. This effort spans from developing
workforce skill development, the institute established the NFI regenerative agricultural innovations to food processing.
Academy to provide training and skill enhancement for industry
personnel. Furthermore, the establishment of the intelligent Elevating Thailand’s Food Industry to Become
center for the food industry, supported by the Office of Industrial the ‘Kitchen of the World’
Economics (OIE), serves to survey, collect, and monitor In 2005, the government set a key goal of developing Thailand
information, including statistical data, specialized data, market into the “Kitchen of the World” due to the abundance of raw
insights, and reports on trends in the food and beverage materials and diverse agricultural resources, combined with
industry. the distinctive flavors of Thai cuisine. Thai food also incorporates
ingredients that are beneficial to health, making it popular
Creating Value Added Through Health and among both locals and foreigners. For example, Tomyum Kung
Sustainability Trends was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible
Dr. Supawan Teerarat highlighted the rising trend of “food as Cultural Heritage of Humanity (RL) in 2024. Additionally, it has
medicine,” which is gaining popularity among younger been included in the Thai SELECT program by the Ministry of
generations and executives as consumers increasingly Commerce, a symbol awarded to Thai restaurants and ready-
prioritize preventive health care over treatment. This has led to-eat Thai food products. In 2025, the National Food Institute
to the development of future food products, such as plant- has been assigned by the Department of Industrial Promotion
based and insect-based protein alternatives, as well as to manage the Soft Power project under government policy
functional ingredients for health food products to enhance within the “OFOS - One Family, One Soft Power” in the food
nutritional health benefits. Additionally, there is a focus on cluster. This encompasses two initiatives: the “Amazing Thai
developing medical foods and personalized foods to meet Taste” about the community chef restaurant enhancement
the nutritional needs of patients with specific diseases. project and the “One Village, One Thai Chef Project”. These
Entrepreneurs can add value to their food products by utilizing initiatives aim to promote the development and production of
functional ingredients, especially in Thailand, which has an Thai chefs, who serve as cultural ambassadors of Thai cuisine.
advantage in herbal raw materials but has not yet fully Both projects are designed to drive the sustainable development
capitalized on their processing potential. At the same time, of Thai food and expand its reach to the global market, aligning
with the concept of “Thai Kitchen to the World.” This initiative
builds on the success of similar past projects, in which
the National Food Institute also be part of the project.
Dr. Supawan Teerarat also added in conclusion that
the National Food Institute is a leading organization in creating
value for Thailand’s food industry, earning recognition both
domestically and internationally. Currently, the institute is fully
prepared to support entrepreneurs in elevating product
standards and enhancing the value of Thailand’s food
businesses, aiming to achieve the goal of becoming the “Kitchen
of the World” sustainably.
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