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hazards, especially by four of those harmful toxins contaminated in
vegetables and fruits selling in themarket.
is thesubstanceused forabroad insecticide, including
borer, larvae, mealy bug, Brown planthopper (BPH), etc. The
compound is commonly used in rice field, crops such as soy, corn,
melons, cucumbersandhorticulture like coffee, orange, coconut, etc.
Withenoughamount of toxins received, theycancausevomiting, loss
of balance, blurred vision and bring to severe carcinogenic, liver cell
proliferation disorders, stimulate tumor, mutation, sperm killed, and
destroying cortex enzyme.
is a broad spectrum insecticide such as chewing and
sucking insects, aphids, and various species of larvae. They are
commonly used in vineyards, Logan, citrus, strawberries, cabbage,
onions, and tomatoes, etc. This compound is causing dizziness,
vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, cardiac toxicity, decreased testosterone,
damaged testicle tubes. In the long run DNAwill be destroyed, that
causes chromosomal abnormality and spleen toxicity.
used as an insecticide to control sucking, boring,
and chewing pests on fruits and vegetables, rice, coffee, long
beans, turnips,sugarcane,kale,oranges,soybeans,peanuts,etc.The
compound is toxic to gene, causing mutations, tumor, carcinogenic,
nephrotoxicity, chronic neurologic, central nervous system damage,
pain like needles stabbing, hand and foot fatigue.
isachemicalprecursor tomixwithotheragriculturalchemicals
used incultivation toget ridof insectssuchascottonbollworm,stem
borers, hispid beetle, rice, corn, cucurbits, fruits, flowers. Symptoms
fromanexposurecanbediarrhea, tightness in thechest,blurredvision,
lossof balance, cough, pneumonia, stopsbreathing, damagingnerve
system, spinal disorder, anddecreased brainweight. Chronic toxicity
can also lead to fetal brain development problem. The use of this
substance isprohibited today inThailand, but theyareasyet found in
vegetables and some fruits.
Thai-PANhas recommended tips for thepublic towash fruits and
vegetables in order to reduce pesticide asmuch as possiblewith the
three steps below.
1. Rinse with running water to remove soil, dirt, bacteria and
pathogens aswell as some toxins
2.Soak fruitsandvegetables invinegar for10-15minutesotherwise
useeitherpotassiumorsodiumbicarbonatesolution.Yet, lessefficiency
than the vinegar
3.Rinsewithcleanwater or runningwater to rinseout thevinegar
and some chemicals
However, with all cleaning methods being used, the residues of
the chemicals still found, mostly Cypermethrin which is number one
remaining in high amount. Even use the best cleaning approach, the
residue can be eliminated by only half of the chemical residue on the
produce. Other than the choice of buying organic products, therefore
thebest way toprotect consumers is toban theuseof pesticides that
are frequently to be left on vegetables, and acute toxicity such as
Carbofuran, Methomyl, including the ones that have chronic toxicity
assuchChlorpyrifos.Apart from thepublishedcancellationandusage
of suchharmful chemical pesticides, the relevantauthoritiesmust take
action to strictly and simultaneously enforce the law.
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