Page 35 - FoodFocusThailand No.144_March 2018
P. 35


           Minerals                                                          Market Development Manager Health & Nutrition
                                                                                                    Cecilia Ng
                                                                                      Jungbunzlauer Singapore Pte. Ltd.

                                                                                Translated by: นริสรา เทวกุล ณ อยุธยา
                                                                                    Narissara Devakul Na Ayudhya
           for Ageing Society                                           Brenntag Ingredients (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                                                                                    Technical Manager, Food & Beverage

            The world’s population is ageing drastically, with the United Nations estimating the number of older persons
            – those aged 60 and over – to be more than double by 2050 . Efforts have been led by the World Health
            Organization to address to the nutritional requirements and immunity function of older persons, and to ultimately
            achieve the goal of healthy ageing.

                                                                  comparison to calcium carbonate.  This is of key importance especially
                                                                  in elderly persons with impaired gastric acid production, therefore
                                                                  making tricalcium citrate a preferred and premium calcium source for
                                                                  dietary supplements.
                                                                  Zinc and Immunity Function
                                                                  Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is involved in a wide variety of
                                                                  physiological processes. Zinc has been associated with health
                                                                  benefits like immunity, cognitive function and healthy vision. Deficiency
                                                                  of zinc is rare, but it has been shown that there’s a higher of suffering
                                                                  zinc  deficiency  among  the  elderly.  Highly  soluble  salts  like  zinc
                                                                  sulphate, zinc gluconate and zinc acetate have a strong metallic and
                                                                  bitter taste, that results in challenges when use for fortification. Zinc
                                                                  oxide offers a better taste, but is limited in use due to its low solubility
                                                                  and bioavailability. In contrast, zinc citrate offers a more preferred
            Fortification for the Ageing                          sensory profile, with the advantage of a lower cost due to the high
            Mineral fortification for the ageing society is a complex process, as   zinc content of 31% and moderate solubility. Combined with the
            their dietary requirements changes. The reduced ability to absorb   recently proven high bioavailability, this makes zinc citrate a good
            and utilize nutrients efficiently, places them at a greater risk for   option for use in ageing fortified food and supplements .
            malnutrition and diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases
            and osteoporosis. In selecting an appropriate mineral source, it is
            important to consider the mineral content, solubility, taste and the   ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม/Additional Information
            bioavailability of the mineral. Ultimately, the effectiveness of nutrients   แร่ธาตุของ Jungbunzlauer อยู่ในรูปแบบของเกลืออินทรีย์ที่ได้จากกระบวนการหมักจึง
            depends upon its bioavailability, meaning how well the human body   เป็นเกลือแร่ธรรมชาติที่เหมาะสมส�าหรับการน�าไปเสริมอาหารให้กับผู้สูงอายุ เนื่องจาก
            absorbs and utilizes it.                               แร่ธาตุจะอยู่ในรูปแบบที่ร่างกายสามารถน�าไปใช้ประโยชน์ได้สูงสุด ช่วยเสริมสร้างสุขภาพ
            Calcium and Bone Health                                Jungbunzlauer range of mineral salts are based on organic acids, made by
            Osteoporosis is particularly prevalent in elderly as the bone mineral   fermentation and are therefore considered nature-derived organic mineral salts.
            deteriorates in composition and function with advancements in age.   With challenges in fortification for the ageing society, organic mineral salts known
            Adequate intake of calcium is vital in reducing bone loss. Organic   for their high bioavailability have shown superior performance for their ability to
                                                                   support human health in different applications of food and dietary supplements.
            calcium salts such as calcium gluconate, calcium lactate and calcium
            lactate gluconate have high solubility, which eases absorption but
            their drawback is its comparably low calcium content (9-13% calcium).   เอกสารอ้างอิง/Reference
            Inorganic calcium chloride (36% calcium) displays good solubility,   1   United World Nations. (2017). World Population Ageing – Highlights. Retrieved
            but is limited in use due to its unpleasant taste. Other inorganic salts     from
            like calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate give a high calcium     WPA2017_Highlights.pdf
                                                                     De Vrese A. and Gerstner G. (2017). Tricalcium Citrate (TCC) and Health.
            content (38-40% calcium), but are restricted in its solubility.     Journal of Nutrition Health and Food Engineering, 6(5). http://medcraveonline.
               Tricalcium citrate offers moderate solubility with a neutral taste     com/JNHFE/JNHFE-06-00214.php
            profile, and with sufficient calcium content (21% calcium). Besides,   3   Wegmuller R. et al. (2014). Zinc Absorption by Young Adults from Supplemental
            due to its high compliance (no CO -development in the stomach),     Zinc Citrate Is Comparable with That from Zinc Gluconate and Higher than from
            independence on gastric acid and better uptake in the small intestine,     Zinc Oxide. Journal of Nutrition, 144(2): 132 – 136. Retrieved from
            tricalcium citrate shows better absorption and bioavailability in

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