Page 54 - FoodFocusThailand No.144_March 2018
P. 54
NEED TO KNOW and creating new designs that are attractive and
convenient to consumers. Biomaterial production,
biodegradable materials, and surface coating
Global Innovation Incubator (Gii) engineering are studied to develop functional
drives latest innovation, generates assumption packaging materials.
on challenging issues, and seek for solutions 5. Consumer Preferences: This area studies
based on 5 pillars; global consumer trends and behaviour to conduct
product development and ensures that the products
1. Science and research meet consumer preferences both in terms of
2. Technology and development flavour, taste, and texture.
3. Innovation support 6. Marine Ingredient Products: From scientific
4. Bringing new technology into the industry knowledge about seafood elements to the new
business that maximizes the value of caught marine
5. Cooperation animal, Thai Union is aware that the company can
turn by-products into valuable substances such as
protein, oil, and phospholipids, which can be used
at its factories and a separate R&D unit in France that focuses on cuisine as nutrient supplement and therapy for human. Moreover, seafood
development. However, Gii plans to become the center of research and extracts are being increasingly used in cosmetics and biotechnology
development for all Thai Union products that are sold and to be sold across for skin rejuvenation and wound healing.
the globe, as well as an innovation center to develop production process 7. Shrimp Products: This field studies the fundamental structure
and product categorization, particularly tuna and seafood, to bring out the of shrimps from how to capture to how to process with the highest
greatest benefits for consumers. Not only that, Gii is also positioned as a benefit. This will enable the industry to add value to shrimp and
hub linking advanced researches in nutrition with the company’s processing additional products. It aims to provide social and environmentally
chain to create products that fit nicely to the market demand and the global responsible processing methods that also align with consumer demand
food supply chain. These reasons are why Thai Union established Gii and healthy lifestyle.
across 1,200 sq.m. on 6 floor of the N building at the Faculty of Science, 8. Pet Food: This section focuses on applying basic research into
Mahidol University. The center is considered to be the first and most the making of animal feeds and snacks, by researching nutritional
advanced R&D center in the seafood industry. components of seafood that offer better and healthier benefits to pets
(cats and dogs).
“Thai Union signed an agreement with Mahidol Innovations that Create Differences
University’s Faculty of Science to build Gii, which also “We need to crack the code and truly understand
collaborates with 6 leading universities; Kasetsart the consumer demand, then find the right
University, King Mongkut’s University of Technology technology to bear fruitful result which is the
Thonburi (KMUTT), Chulalongkorn University, Prince product”, said Dr.Tunyawat. He later exampled
of Songkla University, Suranaree University of patented “sliced tuna”, that is now trading
Technology, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, and commercially, of which consumers can taste
3 foreign R&D institutions to push for research projects”. the natural freshness and healthy nutrients in
“At Gii, we respect and open up to the differences. a more convenient format, and “tuna sausage”,
Our incubator is driven by more than 100 scientists of a delicious and nutritious sausage with only
all ages from 11 races, which is why we possess the 1% of fat (equals to chicken breast) full of DHA
cultural and conceptual diversities. The interior design inside the building
also focuses on the finest, and researchers can see the products that are which is produced under developed production process. Notably, the
sold worldwide. We hope that these differences should create new ideas, products are manufactured using 100% natural ingredients.
and the researchers should be able to link research results with products”, Additionally, Gii is developing marine ingredients that maximize
says Dr.Tunyawat. use of raw materials to create important human nutrient ingredients
used in a variety of categories. This includes nutraceuticals from highly
Deep Knowledge refined tuna oil with Omega-3 DHA, critical to infant health and cognitive
“We truly understand fish from its DNA” said Dr.Tunyawat, who added that
“Our Gii also supports researchers to innovate and seek for
the scope of researches at Gii are divided into 8 aspects; researches and new technologies in food-related field, particularly new
1. Basic Knowledge: Focusing on basic knowledge about tuna
including nutritional composition, biochemical changes during storage and products development, packaging, and processing, to add values to
the Thai seafood industries and respond to the nutritional demands of
processing, and physico-chemical and chemical structure of fish muscle,
this stage helps to understand tuna’s nutritional value and, more importantly, consumers”.
“By 2020, innovation will play a bigger role in Thai Union’s business
how to preserve nutritional qualities to tuna freshly from catch to
consumption. and is expected to contribute 10% of the company’s total sales projected
2. Health and Wellness: This scope focuses on how to enhance at USD 8 billion, and by then,
nutritional benefits of seafood and leverage technology to effectively extract Gii could expand 3-5 folds from
essential nutrients such as proteins and fats. Ultimately, it aims to create what it is today”, Global
healthy food products and ingredients that are essential of healthy and Innovation Director of Thai
balance diet. Union added.
3. Processing: Disruptive technology and engineering solutions Throughout the company’s
transform the manufacturing process such as membrane technology, 40 year milestone, Thai Union
chromatography, and nano-encapsulation in order to deliver differentiated is still operating with dedicated
products, as well as possessing high standard and sustainable processing determination to apply
system. innovation to its business in
4. Packaging: Innovating packaging that transcend challenges using order to deliver what the
fundamental researches in material science with focusing on sustainability customers are looking for…both
today and in the future.