Page 51 - FoodFocusThailand No.144_March 2018
P. 51


             ต้องรู้ว่ำมำจำกฟำร์มที่ใส่ใจในกำรเลี้ยงที่ถูกต้อง ไม่ใช้สำรที่ต้องห้ำม รวมถึง  Let’s be a bit more thorough, and spend some more time
             กรณีเนื้อหมู เนื้อไก่ ก็ควรรู้แหล่งที่มำที่ไปว่ำถูกต้องตำมหลัก มิเช่นนั้นเรำอำจ  checking credentials of the suppliers and sources of our raw
             พบสำรตกค้ำงที่ไม่ต้องกำรได้                             materials. Even the smallest amount of raw material--if they
                                                                     are contaminated, they can jeopardize the safety of our food
                รอบคอบสักนิดในกำรดูแลบุคลำกรที่เกี่ยวข้องกับกำรผลิตว่ำมีสุขอนำมัย  products. Raw material that comes from a source that practices
             อย่ำงไร หำกมีพนักงำนป่วยหรือบำดเจ็บก็ไม่สมควรเข้ำไปอยู่ในกระบวนกำร  with lower standard or unhygienic equipments can indeed affect
             ผลิต เพรำะเรำไม่รู้ว่ำอำกำรป่วยนั้นจะส่งผลต่อควำมปลอดภัยของสินค้ำ    the product’s safety. Low-grade vinegar, for example, might
                                                                     contain some undesirable substances. The lack of knowledge
             หรือไม่ หรือมีเชื้อโรคบำงอย่ำงตกหล่นไปในสินค้ำ รวมทั้งเป็นกำรปกป้อง  concerning the sources of raw materials can potentially affect
             ดูแลสุขภำพของพนักงำนเองจะได้มีสุขภำพที่ดีขึ้น ให้ไปท�ำงำนอื่น                      the  safety  of  our  products.  When  choosing  suppliers  for
             หรือพัก อันจะท�ำให้พนักงำนพร้อมที่จะกลับมำท�ำงำนอย่ำงมีประสิทธิภำพ                shrimps, for example, food producers need to make sure that
             ต่อไป                                                   the suppliers follow standardized farming protocols--using only
                                                                     proper chemicals safe for consumption. The same screening
                ควำมรอบคอบเพิ่มสักนิดจะช่วยเพิ่มควำมมีวินัยของบุคลำกร                              method  should  also  be  used  in  screening  for  pork  and
             ในกำรจัดกำรได้ทั้งมวล กำรมีระบบมำตรฐำนควบคุมเพียงอย่ำงเดียวนั้น          chicken meat suppliers, to safeguard the safety of our food
             ไม่เพียงพอ เพรำะควำมซับซ้อนของกระบวนกำรผลิต…รอบคอบสักนิด               products.
                                                                        Let’s be a bit more thorough, and spend some more time
             จะเป็นกำรสร้ำงประสิทธิภำพในกำรผลิตอย่ำงยั่งยืนต่อไป…    inspecting the health and hygiene of our personnel, especially
                                                                     those directly involved with production lines. Ill or injured
                                                                     employees should not be allowed in production areas, in order
                                                                     to  prevent  germs  and  pathogens  from  contaminating  the
             Products’ safety and quality are fundamentally the
             main concerns of virtually every operator in any
             industries.  No  matter  how  much  investment  was
             made on infrastructures, quality assurance and quality
             control systems, still the problem of under-quality or
             unsafe products persists. One more layer of failure
             filter lies simply on the unyielding thoroughness and
             discipline of the personnel.

                Let’s explore on which part of the operation that more thoroughness
             can be applied. One recent example on the lack of thoroughness was
             the incident in Europe where chicken eggs were contaminated with
             insecticide Fipronil that the subjected poultry farms used to kill mites.
             Normally, this chemical is solely used with cats and dogs, and is
             prohibited from the use with animal for human consumption. This
             incident is the classic example of the lack of thoroughness in the
             operator part--who failed to scrutinize the safety of the chemicals used   products. Give them time off from work to rest and recovery,
             by the in-house pest control program, or by the outsourced pest control   so that they can come back to work as healthy and efficient
             operators. A more careful probe can significantly reduce the risk and   workforce.
             guarantee the safety of our products.                      The increased thoroughness will significantly benefit the
                Let’s be a bit more thorough, and spend some more time checking   whole organization--personnel as a whole will gradually be
             the chemicals in cleaning and disinfectants agents used to clean the   more disciplined. The complexity of production process calls
             machines that have direct contact with our products--making sure they   for more than just a standard-control system--thoroughness
             contain no harmful or prohibited substances. Some chemicals have   is  what  keeps  the  production  errorless  and  constantly
             very similar or almost identical names, yet they are very far different   efficient.
             in composition and toxicity. Ethanol and Methanol, for example, though
             very similar in names, these two chemicals cannot substitute for one
             another. Methanol is inedible and has harmful effect on visual nervous
             system. Ethanol, though safe for consumption, has many grades for
             different usages—industrial grade and food grade. The careful
             inspection of this little, yet very significant detail can help assure the
             safety of our products.

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