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      Do Export Business in Myanmar…

      What WE Need To Know

      Myanmar is proven to be a potential market, especially     Therefore, from that understanding, one can determine what kind of
      for Thai products, but the problem yet relies on how    business they can and cannot set up, and through which channel they
      much  does  enterprise  understand  it  and  in  which   can achieve their goal. First of all, you need to understand that everything
      dimension. It is likely that the wrong answer will come   has a way in Myanmar, as you can see that various kinds of businesses
      up, if we start with the wrong question. Therefore, to   are happening and managed by both locals and foreigners. However, in
      conduct a business in Myanmar, the first thing you do   order to successfully set up a business, you need to ask yourself if it is
                                                              what you are really interested in and whether you are willing to do what
      is to adapt or create an accurate understanding about   it takes to do it.
      the market. The next question to follow is what kind of
      business we are interested in doing in Myanmar. The     International Transaction
      structure of the market is similar to Thailand roughly   In  every  country,  financial  and  banking  sectors  play  crucial  roles
      40-50 years ago. And during that time, Thailand is keen   encouraging the business sector. Moreover, the format or characteristic
      to  consume  import  products  because  the  country’s   of the financial transaction with trading partner countries or competitor
      manufacturing standard wasn’t yet in placed. The same   countries unavoidably influencing how businesses are being conducted,
      trend is happening in Myanmar, too, and the demand      especially in an open economy where products and services are flowing
      for foreign products are defined as many believe that   in and out enormously like in Thailand. Therefore, many international
                                                              finances tips and reviews emerges as a channel to inform enterprises
      imported goods are in higher standard and of better     with useful information and encourages them to be confident when
      quality.  Nonetheless,  such  demand  from  Myanmar     entering the global trade.
      revolves around the four requisites, which Thailand has    We begin with the information about transaction in Myanmar.
      quite a potential. The problem remains whether Thai     Previously, trade with Myanmar are mostly conducted via traders at the
      enterprises can compete with others. It is unforgettable   border and trading agents. However, since the US lifted an economic
      that the consumption power Myanmar now is focusing      sanction against Myanmar in 2016, along with the relaxing economic
      on cheap prices. Hence, items sold easily in Thailand   policy of the country, Myanmar banks were forced to develop quickly. At
      could be perceived as expensive goods in Myanmar.       the same time, Myanmar’s trade value with other countries expanded.
                                                              International transaction became more necessary, and therefore, were
      Starting a Business in Myanmar                          upgraded to be in accordance with the international standard. Hence, it
      Most of the time, people often start with trading business and once we   is wise to know about banks in Myanmar, especially the state-owned
      recognise the market demand, we can bring the products that answer   institutions, as they play crucial roles in today’s transaction. There are 4
      to the requirement. This is possibly the best way and the least risking   state-owned banks in Myanmar;
      business practice for beginners. How do we start? Easily, we look for   •  Myanmar Economic Bank (MEB) is considered as the second
      those who want to buy our products. From where? Finding buyers is   biggest bank in Myanmar in terms of customers outreach (following
      among many services offered by Thai Trade Center in Yangon. The   privately owned KBZ Bank). MEB has about 350 branches with more
      main mission of the office is to do whatever it takes to maximize sales   than 9,000 employees, which allow them reach out to the population in
      of Thai products in Myanmar both in terms of quality and sustainability.   rural areas (which is considered of 70% of the country’s total population.
      We have some Myanmar business-people in our contact system and   However, the bank mostly provide loan for the public sector in the forms
      Thai entrepreneurs can ask us to introduce buyers or Myanmar   of bonds, finance for state enterprises, and low interest rates loan for
      businesses for further negotiations.                    other banks, while the support for the private sector is considerably low
                                                              (less than 10% of the bank’s total asset).
      Setting Up a Company                                       •  Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank (MFTB)  provides strong
      Before anything, we need to be clear about the objective to set up the   correspondent bank network of more than 263 banks in 54 countries for
      business and who will be the founder. Here, who means a Myanmar   international trade finance. The bank is the most popular institution to
      citizen or a foreigner, as Myanmar’s regulation generate two different   trust when it comes to foreign currency deposit account.
      definition about the terms, and some are authorised to do more things   •  Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank (MICB) provides
      than the other. For instance, to set up a foreign company in Myanmar,   quite similar services to MEB and MFTB in terms of financial support for
      we must see what the main purpose of this business is, as regulations   domestic companies and international businesses. However, MICB is
      grant foreign companies the right to conduct some acts. In general, the   outstanding in supporting private enterprises, which in turn facilitates the
      Myanmar government allows foreign companies to conduct businesses   country’s economic expansion.
      in 2 fields; (1) to set up a manufacturing facility, and (2) to run a service   •  Myanmar Agriculture and Development Bank (MADB) focuses
      business.                                               on funding farmers and enterprises in rural area with short- and long-term
         Most time, foreigners often want to set up trading business, though   loans. The bank serves approximately 2 million customers through its
      no regulation approved such action. Setting up a company to   2,500 employees in more than 230 branches across the country.
      manufacture is most of the time unquestionable as it is obvious. The   Nonetheless, in the aspect of international trade, state-owned banks
      problem comes when you are setting up a business in the service sector.   like MFTB and MICB are the most prominent banks to get to know as
      Foreigners think that their businesses like spa and restaurant are   they have long experiences in international trade and cross-border
      categorized  as  a  service  business,  but  Myanmar  has  a  different   transaction. That they are owned by the government also make them
      definition. So far, no one can really tell what the service business in   more reliable, and it is likely that your Myanmar trading partners will be
      Myanmar is. However, some observations were made that Myanmar   using their services such as international transfer and L/C, too.
      will consider the source of business income. For example, Myanmar
      reinstated that a foreigner can set up a hotel business, because it is a
      service establishment and many customers are foreigners. Therefore,
      the source of hotel’s income is foreigners. To summarize, the service   เอกสารอ้างอิง/References
      businesses foreigners can do in Myanmar are the businesses that   •  คำ�ถ�มเกี่ยวกับตล�ดเมียนม�.
      collect income from other foreigners, and not local. Nonetheless, one
      service business that will go well is a consultant firm.   •  เกร็ดก�รเงินระหว่�งประเทศ: ควรเลือกใช้ธน�ค�รไหนในเมียนม�เมื่อจะทำ�ก�รค้�ข�ยกัน. ฝ่�ยวิจัย
       38  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  MAY 2018                          ธุรกิจ. มกร�คม 2561. ธน�ค�รเพื่อก�รส่งออกและนำ�เข้�แห่งประเทศไทย
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