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Antioxidants from Green Tea Extract
with Meat Product Applications
Antioxidant is a substance that can inhibit or slow down the oxidation reaction, which causes free radicals,
such as lipid oxidation.
Antioxidant is widely used in various food products. The goal Jo et al. (2003) found that the use of irradiation and non-irradiation
is to slow down the physical and chemical changes of the product. freeze-dried green tea powder 0.1% in raw and cooked pork patties.
The sources can be divided into two types. The result was shown that both green tea extracts can prevent the
1. Natural Antioxidants: Plant chemicals such as fruits, change of red color intensity (Hunter a*) as well as inhibit the oxidation
vegetables, spices, herbs, tea. of the products. At the 95% confidence level compared to control
• Phenolic compounds include polyphenols in spices, grape samples without green tea extract added.
seed extract, turmeric. In addition to the use of green tea extract in meat products to slow
• Astaxanthin changes during storage, green tea extract can also be applied to a
• Vitamin C variety of products as shown in Table 1.
• Vitamin E
• Green Tea Extract ตารางที่ 1 การใช้สารสกัดจากชาเขียวกับอาหารประเภทต่างๆ
2. Synthetic antioxidants includes Table 1 Prospective applications of green tea extract
• BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole)
• BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) Applications Specific Oxidation Issues
• TBHQ (Tertiary Butylhydroquinone) Raw meats Oxidation of red meat pigments, resulting in
Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is non-fermented tea which an undesirable brown color
prepare by quickly dry the tea leaves through the heat. The heat Cooked meat, poultry and seafood products Susceptible to oxidation, resulting in a
will inhibit the decomposition enzymatic activity. The tea leaves warmed-over flavor, discoloration and protein
are dry, but still fresh and has a rather green color, so called green
tea. Substances that are found in green tea are amino acids, Ready-to-eat meals Reheating of meat promotes the oxidation
vitamins B, C, E. Xanthine alkaloids are caffeine and tinfoil. process
Theophylline, which stimulates the action of the central nervous Cereals, bakery products, confectioneries, Products are susceptible to oxidation due to long
system, affect the body to rejuvenate. And the substances in snack foods, nuts and nut products shelf-life requirements
flavonoids called catechins. The most common found in green Oil-in-water emulsions (mayonnaise, salad Large oil–water interface and complex food
tea is Eepigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is important in dressings, soups and sauces) matrix increase susceptibility to lipid oxidation
antioxidant activity. Water-in-oil emulsions (margarine and fat Large water–oil interface and complex food
Senanayake (2013) studied the effect of using Green tea spreads) matrix increase susceptibility to lipid oxidation
extract at 50-100 ppm. in roasted turkey burger. The changes of Vegetable oils, marine oils, frying oils, and Low oxidative stability, due to trans fatty acid
oxidation by analyzing the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive shortenings regulations, increases the need for enhanced
Substances (TBARS) showed that green tea extract had lower antioxidant protection
TBARS than control samples without antioxidant. It was also Beverages (carbonated and non-carbonated Products are susceptible to oxidation due to long
found that the use of green tea extract at 150 ppm in roasted beef beverages, energy drinks, soft drinks, and shelf-life requirements
burger. Hexanal (a secondary product of lipid oxidation) can be
inhibited during 13 days of storage. ที่มา: Senanayake (2013)
Source: Senanayake (2013)