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             Multi-country Comparison of

             Regulations on Functional Foods

             The primary function of food is to provide nutrients to nourish the body, and to provide the energy needed
             for daily activities as well as for growth and development. However, there is now more recognition of the
             additional benefits provided by foods, beyond basic nutrition, in promoting health and reducing risk of certain
             chronic diseases, due to the presence of some bioactive food components. These foods are generally known
             as “functional foods”.

               Although the term “functional foods”
             is not commonly used in most regional
             regulations or legal systems, there must
             be regulatory control of these foods so
             as to protect consumer interest and to
             ensure that the health claims used are
             based on scientific evidence.
 Pauline Chan  There  should  be  a  review  on  the
 ILSI SEA Region  current  regulatory  status  of  various
             health claims  permitted in  Southeast
             Asian regional countries, the permitted
             claims  included  in  the  available
             positive lists, the regulatory framework
             for  application  and  review  of  claim
             applications,  as  well  as  the  scientific
             substantiation requirement.
               As harmonization of the claims
             regulations and the scientific
             substantiation of health claims in
             the  region  will  help  not  only  with  the
             improvement of consumer understanding
             of key messages on food labels, but also
             the reduction of trade barriers to the
             commercial distribution of foods and
             beverages in the region, potential areas
             identified for harmonization will also be

             ฉลากอาหารได้ดียิ่งขึ้น  แต่ยังช่วยลด
             เครื่องดื่มในภูมิภาค ซึ่งได้มีการด�าเนินการ

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