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Ease and Ergonomics
Additional features such as status light provides at-a-glance confirmation that
the balance is ready for weighing. The digital level guide notifies users of the
balance’s leveling status so weighing is not performed under less-than-ideal
conditions. An optional ergonomical design stand allows placement of the
terminal closer to eyelevel. This reduces the balance’s benchprint, while helping
to eliminate the neck-strain associated with repetitive weighing.
ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม / Additional Information
1 METTLER TOLEDO’s new XPR precision balances
2 METTLER TOLEDO’s SmartPan™.innovative weighing pan
3 METTLER TOLEDO’s StatusLight™ weighing status light
4 METTLER TOLEDO’s LevelGuide™ digital level guide
5 METTLER TOLEDO’s ErgoStand™ ergonomical design balance stand (optional)
To make delicious new products, the food
industry devotes substantial time to recipe
development. This requires that ingredients be
combined in correct proportions. However, a
successful food product is typically the result
of trial and error. A slight tweak of any
component, or the addition or subtraction of a
seemingly insignificant ingredient, can affect
the sensory experience. In addition, long lists
of ingredients often make precise formulation
challenging and time-consuming.
Ensure Weighing Accuracy
Fortunately, you can take steps to help ensure
accuracy for weighing processes used in food
formulation. the new precision balances help
with accurate formulation thanks to features
such as an innovative weighing pan . This pan
minimizes air-current effects on the weighing
cell, delivering results in half the time of a
standard balance – even in a production
environment or high-traffic area.
Eliminating Process Steps
Normally, a draft shield protects the weighing
cell from drafts. However, opening and closing
draft-shield doors adds process steps. Reducing
process steps increases speed and user
comfort, and helps protect operators from
repetitive motion injuries. Under standard
condition, even a 1 mg readability the new
precision balances with the innovative
weighing pan can be used without a draft
In the turbulent conditions of a fume hood,
you can weigh in on these sensitive 1 mg
balances with the draft-shield doors open and
still gain outstanding repeatability.
Data Handling Excellence
During formulation, additions must be labeled
accurately. This helps to avoid mixups and
ensures that attributes such as color and taste
remain consistent.
The new precision balances not only has
built-in methods to guide users through the
weighing process, but custom methods can be
saved and recalled. Step-by-step results are
displayed on the balance notepad, where users
can also add comments. Easy data export helps
to ensure process traceability.