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          Environmental Problems

          from Production Process and Solutions

               Problems from Production Process in
               Frozen Seafood Industry

                         Most wastewater is generated in raw material
           1. Wastewater  cleaning process or from other sources such as   Examples of Basic Solutions for Environmental
                         in-office  water  consumption  and  cleaning  of   Impacts from Production Process
                         workers’ hands and feet, production lines or
                         containers. Wastewater from frozen seafood,
          mostly fish, usually contains a high level of organic compound found                      Problem Analysis:
          in fish meat, blood and fat, which contributes to higher level of BOD   1. Wastewater Treatment Management  The production
          (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), SS (Suspended Solids), oil and fat                           process that affects
          in the water. The degree of contamination depends on the amount                           the contamination
          of water used, which in turn is determined by various factors such as   level in wastewater is the cleaning of raw materials, tools
          raw material control, processing technology, raw material preparation   and production areas. It is found that wastewater from
          such as fish head and guts removal, and use of water for production   this process contains organic parts with high protein and fat content.
          line cleaning. Machine-based fish filleting process uses less water   Even though a limited amount of wastewater is generated in some steps,
          than manual method. Wastewater from production process is   if the water is transferred to treatment systems without solid waste
          transferred  to  treatment  facilities,  which  may  vary  in  terms  of   matters being filtered out, the density of contaminating substances is
          characteristics  depending  on  the  size  of  business  investment,   likely to increase, thus leading to additional burdens and expenses for
          wastewater quality, factory environment and other factors. From these   treatment procedure.
          facilities, the treated water may then be transferred to public water   Solution Approaches: An emphasis should be put on effective
          sources or stored within the factory’s precincts.     management through good practice in order to reduce leakage and
                                                                overuse of water. A reduction by 5% of water use can be achieved
                         1) Raw material waste refers to remaining parts   without additional monetary investment. Another factor to be considered
            2. Waste     of aquatic animals not used for production or   is the possibility of reusing, for example, condensate and blowdown
                         consumption. Each type of aquatic animal leaves   water  to  reduce  the  final  amount  of  wastewater  and  expenses  for
                         different kinds of waste. Fish such as tuna and   treatment systems. Avoid transferring rainwater and contaminated liquid
                         salmon, for example, generate post-production   not originating from production process such as wastewater from
          waste of less than 40%. The unused parts of aquatic animals can be   kitchens,  staff  residences  and  offices  to  treatment  ponds.  Further
          sold to feed manufacturers. In some factories, waste may be plant-  solutions include implementing gravity flow system, transferring the final
          based such as sesames since plants are used as part of the products.  treated water back to the initial stabilization ponds and creating wetlands.
            2) Plastic waste originates from packaging of acquired supplies
          as well as from those manufactured by the factories themselves. All   2. Reduction of Waste from   Problems:   Raw
          industrial plastic waste can be collected and sold to a third party       Cutting Process  materials that pass the
          buyer.                                                                                    quality check process
            3) Paper waste such as water-absorbing papers or damaged                                will be filleted, trimmed
          product cartons is mostly generated from administrative offices while   or cut to achieve desired shapes. Unwanted parts will be
          some may be generated in production process. Most paper waste    eliminated. In ineffective operation, a great deal of waste
                                                                           will be generated here.
          can be sold to a third party while those that can’t be sold will be   Solution Approaches: Since manpower is still essential to raw
          disposed of by various means such as incineration or landfill, usually   material cutting process, the improvement mostly has to focus on the
          carried out by manufacturers or, alternatively, by an outsourced   development and training of staff. For machine-based process, a special
          company.                                              attention  should  be  paid  to  frequent  machine  maintenance. The
            4)  Sludge  is  a  type  of  waste  that  is  generated  from  the   guidelines are as follows:
          accumulation of sediment in wastewater treatment ponds.
                                                                   1. Educate staff on how to follow correct operating procedure and
                         Odours  may  occasionally  derive  from   encourage skilled practices through trainings.
            3. Odour     manufacturing process. Most odours are emitted   2. Periodically check machine conditions and immediately fix any
                         by production line wastewater being transferred   damage found.
                         to treatment ponds. Within an open system of   3. Turn waste into fertilization, feeds or other useful materials. Apart
                         wastewater gutters and treatment ponds, there   from reducing production cost through the selling of waste materials,
         is a higher chance of odour emission. Another source of odours is   expenses will also drop thanks to reduced rental fee for waste storage
         poor  management  of  raw  material  leftovers  from  manufacturing   space.
         process, which may affect the factory’s environment and may also   4. Use closed or non-perforated recipients to contain contaminated
         act as a source of germs.                              liquid and waste, which can later be reused or treated.

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