Page 33 - FoodFocusThailand No.170 May 2020
P. 33


                  Trend #2: New Formats                     The beauty space has already seen the rise of the ‘skintellectual’ – super-knowledgeable
                  Drink-based products are however the third   shoppers who know exactly what ingredients they want in their topical products, and in
                  most popular format for consumers of ingestible   what percentage – and there is now an opportunity for ingestible beauty brands to answer
                  beauty products.                       this demand.
                     In January 2019, Vitybox launched an on-  Trend #4: IV Vitamin Therapy
                  the-go liquid shot format that contains bioactive   Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy may have been around since the 1950s, but its biggest
                  collagen, hydrolysed keratin and hyaluronic   shot over the past couple of years has been its celebrity endorsement which has boosted
                  acid to support hair, skin and nails. According   its profile as a wellness trend.
                  to the brand, the 15ml citrus-flavoured shot is   According to Vitamin Injections London, IV therapy enables the body to absorb 99.9%
                  equivalent to more than 15 pills.      of the vitamins provided as they go straight into the bloodstream, in contrast to the 8% that
                     “Drinkables are prioritising taste, making   can be gained by oral tablet forms. It also avoids any strain on the liver or stomach, and
                  them drinks in their own right, to help them   enables vitamins to be used at higher quantities than is suitable for oral consumption.
                  seamlessly work into people’s routines,” says   Dr.Pam Benito, a facial aesthetics specialist who offers vitamin drip treatments in her
                  Jones. But she adds: “There are now more   Chelsea- based clinic, adds that results are also much more rapid than with oral ingestion,
                  unusual formats emerging that also tap the   and as infusion treatment bypasses the digestive system it also bypasses any trouble
                  need for flavour, enjoyment and convenience.”  people might have with poor intestinal function.
                     • The Spray Oral sprays in the nutritional   She notes that IVs contain a lot of salt which could have a negative effect on people
                  arena are not new – natural health company   with heart disease or high blood pressure, while improperly inserted IVs can also lead to
                  BetterYou became the first company in the   complications including bruising, bleeding, infection and in extreme cases cause air embolism
                  world to develop a nutritional oral spray in   or cause the fluids to leak into nearby tissue.
                  2006, as a solution to overcome the absorption   An alternative method is an IV push – which Bianca Estelle, founder, medical aesthetician
                  challenges of tablet and capsule supplements.  and skin specialist at Vitamin Injections London, describes as a tiny needle that injects
                     •  The  Vape  “Vitamin  vaping  is  on  the   undiluted vitamins through the inside of the arm within seconds. Customers are then
                  horizon,” says Jones, referring to the buzzing   encouraged to drink plenty of water after the procedure for maximum effect.
                  trend that is seeing some brands claim it to be
                  a more effective method of absorbing vitamins   Trend #5: Personalised Supplements
                  compared with ingestion. Jones cites New York   Personalisation has swept through the beauty industry, transforming the way consumers
                  start-up Sparq, which offers Vitamin Air, an   can find products that meet their specific needs across skin care, hair care, colour cosmetics
                  odourless, eco-friendly vitamin alternative to   and fragrance. And now it’s time for beauty supplements to get personal.
                  nicotine, with a Pure variety that focuses on   Consumer education continues to be a challenge for not only personalised products,
                  anti-ageing and comes in strawberry and   but for the supplements category at large. There are huge opportunities for personalisation
                  vanilla flavours.                      in the beauty supplements sector, especially as more consumers start to experience the
                     Other nicotine replacement products are   concept across different product categories, and it builds into their lifestyles.
                  developing too. “Ohana offers topical vitamin
                  patches including a Total Beauty variant, and
                  Swedish company Nutrinovate’s Vitamin Films
                  dissolve on the inside of the cheek or under
                  the  tongue,”  says  Jones. The  company’s
                  beauty specialist film Reserol includes high
                  levels of skin-boosting resveratrol.
                     • The Chocolate Beauty chocolate may
                  have  been  around  since  Esthechoc’s  first
                  product in 2015, but it is finally arriving in
                  earnest. Jones says “There have been a slew
                  of recent launches: Ceramiracle’s Ageless
                  Delight Beauty Chocolate; Beauty Bar
                  Chocolate that contains rhodiola and pearl
                  powder to ‘eat for peace, focus and glowing
                  skin’, and Moon Juice’s new adaptogenic,
                  antioxidant Beauty Dust in chocolate form,
                  which is a near-constant sell-out.”
                     • The Gum There is also growing interest
                  in chewing gum as a vitamin format. A study
                  by The Pennsylvania State University found
                  that  by  chewing  gum  containing  retinol,
                  pyridoxine, ascorbic acid and alpha- tocopherol,
                  the levels of these vitamins in the blood plasma
                  Trend #3: Transparency
                  For every study that proclaims the benefits of
                  vitamins and supplements, there seems to be
                  another that negates it. Not only is there a vast
                  amount of conflicting information online, the
                  offline experience bewilders many shoppers
                  too. A survey by Your Beauty Club found that
                  68% always check the ingredients in their

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