Page 37 - FoodFocusThailand No.181 April 2021
P. 37

                                                                                                         SPECIAL FOCUS

                  contacting with infected animals, or consuming food made from infected   meat and meat products, an environment contaminated with animal
                  animals. Salmonella is found in many animals including poultry, pig,   manure, a contaminated water, a direct contact with infected animals,
                  fish, seafood, and animal products especially in the poultry, meat, and   or a direct contact between human.
                  egg which majorly cause salmonellosis in human. Diseases with
                  Salmonella spp. come from the consumption of insufficient heat-  Listeria spp.  Listeria spp. are classified into two large groups
                  processed meat to decontaminate the bacteria, or the consumption of   (17  species  in  total)  according  to  their  relatedness  of  species  to
                  raw or insufficient heating eggs. It is noted that S. Enteritidis has an   L. monocytogenes as follows: The first group L. sensu stricto consisted
                  ability to penetrate an eggshell. Therefore, it is often found as a common   of L. monocytogenes, L. seeligeri, L. ivanovii, L. welshimeri, L. marthii,
                  problem in eggs and its processed products.           and L. innocua. The second group L. sensu lato consisted of L. grayi,
                                                                        L.  fleischmannii,  L.  floridensis,  L.  aquatica,  L.  newyorkensis,  L.
                  Campylobacter  spp.  Campylobacter  spp.  cause       cornellensis, L. rocourtiae, L. weihenstephanensis, L. grandensis, L.
                  campylobacteriosis with major symptoms including severe diarrhea,   riparia, and L. booriae. It is remarked that only 2 of L. monocytogenes
                  abdominal pain, and fever. There are also other more serious symptoms   and L. ivanovii are considered to be pathogenic in human and animal,
                  such  as  bloody  diarrhea,  Guillain-Barre  Syndrome  which  is  an   respectively. L. monocytogenes are the most critical species. They are
                  inflammatory to nerve system. Campylobacter spp. are one genus in   gram-negative bacteria in short rod shape with flagella to facilitate
                  Campylobacteriaceae family. They are gram-negative bacteria with   movement. They can grow both in the presence and absence of air in
                  spiral or curved rod shape. They mobilize corkscrew-like using flagella   the optimal temperature around 0.4-50 ºC. The bacteria cause two types
                  at the terminal end of the cell. They can grow best in the optimal   of infectious disease symptoms: Firstly, invasive illness causes severe
                  temperature  around  37-42  C.  They can live  in a  low  oxygen   symptoms such as meningitis, septicemia, endocarditis and flu-like
                  (microaerophilic) environment around 2-10% range. The bacteria are   symptoms. When meningitis occurs to patience, the death casualty is
                  relatively weak in normal environments and are difficult to culture in a   potentially  higher.  Secondly,  non-invasive  illness,  the  disease  is
                  laboratory. Campylobacter spp. are more common in the environment   gastrointestinal inflammation with fever. Risky consumers such as
                  reported over 17 species with at least 12 species causing human   pregnant women may experience miscarriage, or the baby died in the
                  disease. C. jejuni and C. coli are two critical species often derived from   womb. L. monocytogenes are commonly found in animals (such as
                  human and poultry. One infected poultry
                  carcass still can transmit 100 to 100,000
                  cells to other sources. Reportedly, the
                  exposure  of  just  500  cells  can  be
                  infectious.  The disease from
                  Campylobacter spp. often come from
                  consuming an insufficient heat-processed
                  chickens or poultry. Or the disease come
                  from taking unpasteurized milk, or water.
                  It  may  derive  from  the  exposure  to
                  contaminated environments, or direct
                  contact with infectious animals in farm.
                  The reason behind poultry as the major host is that poultry has a high   cattle, goat, sheep, and poultry), plant, soil, water, feed, and other
                  body temperature which is suitable for the bacteria growth. In addition,   environmental conditions such as waste from slaughterhouse and
                  the rate of infection in poultry farms relates to the number and age of   processing plant. Foods commonly found this bacterial contamination
                  animals, water, the insects, and the air quality. The bacteria can colonize   are meat and meat products, dairy products, vegetable/fruit products,
                  and grow inside poultry. When an infected poultry is slaughtered, the   including seafood and its products. It is also found that the infection can
                  intestinal system is ruptured and the bacteria can contaminate to the   spread  by  a  direct  contact  with  infected  animals.  However,
                  carcass skin. However, the bacteria also can be found in cattle, buffalo,   L. monocytogenes contamination in meat products is often caused by
                  pig, goat, sheep, and seafood, as well as in pets.    contamination after processing.

                  Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Some  Prevention and Control Measures  The effective control
                  genus of E. coli can cause disease to consumers through food. The   measure to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination can be applied at
                  bacteria are gram-negative not producing spores. They are in rod shape   farm and processing plant i.e. the hygiene management in farms, the
                  growing both in the presence and absence of air. They are in   isolation of sick animals from healthy ones, the temperature control
                  Enterobacteriaceae family which consume various types of sugar. They   during  slaughter  and  processing,  and  the  avoidance  of  cross-
                  can ferment lactose later generate acid and gas. Reportedly, there are   contamination during butchering and processing by applying the hygiene
                  157 E. coli O antigens, and 53 E. coli H antigens serotypes. Most of          management for worker’s operation and processing line.  The
                  E. coli found in gastrointestinal tract and small number of E. coli are   precautionary measures to stop the spread of pathogens in farm and
                  pathogens.  E.  coli  can  be  classified  into  the  following  groups:   processing plant must be in place. The use of antibiotics for animal
                  enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), STEC or verocytotoxin-producing           treatment shall be carefully considered. Besides, the suitable meat
                  E. coli (VTEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), enteroaggregative E. coli   processing methods shall be well defined to reduce the risk of infection
                  (EAEC), diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli   spread.  In  addition,  the  adequate  thermal  processing  is  always
                  (ETEC), and adherent invasive  E. coli  (AIEC).  It  is  noted  that   preferable. Furthermore, the avoidance of consuming raw or non-
                  Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) is a subgroup of STEC. STEC   processed meat should be implemented. Also, the storage technique
                  consists of serogroup E. coli O157 and E. coli non-O157 (i.e. O26, O45,   for meats and meat products at the right temperature must be enforced.
                  O103, O111, O121, and O145). STEC normally causes gastritis,   Lastly, the use of safe meat and water in food production must be carried
                  diarrhea, and severe hemorrhagic colitis in human with severe   out.
                  abdominal pain and vomiting symptom. Some STEC genus cause
                  severe kidney disease, renal failure, or hemolytic uremic syndrome   เอกสารอ้างอิง/Reference
                                                                        Norma H. and G. Santos. 2018. Animals as sources of food-borne pathogens: A review.
                  (HUS) often found in children. They can spread through food, especially    Animal Nutrition. 4: 250-255.
                                                                                                  APR   2021 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  37

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