Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 45


                  the machine also has an automatic
                  self-cleaning system.
                     Currently, for product which
                  want to be only reduced the size
                  and mixed, there is a Microslicer
                  (Fine cutter) (Figure 2) of which
                  manufacturer can control the
                  particle size of product by choosing
                  the cutting gap of knife ring. To
                  avoid  product  burnt  during  fine
                  cutting process, the knife ring is
                  specially designed in “non-metal
                  to metal contact” concept (Figure
                  3). The product also can be mixed
                  homogenously by this kind of
                     Currently,  there  is  special
                  execution to connect two above
                  machines together as Figure 4,
                  resulting in a new liquid food
                  production system. Supports the
                  production with more diverse and   only the circuit of the Microslicer to do the job. Above mention technologies are particularly interesting
                  flexible. Manufacturers can choose   for liquid food processing industry both now and in the future.
                  to cook products within the bowl or
                  cook and circulate the product at
                  the same time via Microslicer  to
                  control  the  smoothness  of  the   เอกสารอ้างอิง/References
                  product. For some products that
                  need only to blend, mix and control
                  the particle size (no need to heat
                  or cool), manufacturers can use

                                                                                                  JUN   2020 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  45

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