Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 48


             High-Performance  pH Measurement

             In Liquid Sugar Production

             In developing countries, demand for liquid sugars is growing. For a customer in Brazil, a pH measurement
             solution that would tolerate the harsh process conditions was essential. We provided not just a robust,
             dependable system, but one that requires very little maintenance.

             Growing Demand                                         Cutting-edge Solution
             Liquid sugars are produced in a number of different formulations for   We installed a system based around the pH sensor . This probe is
             use in the food and beverage, and chemical industries. Premium liquid   ideal for this application as it has been designed to function in extreme
             sugar is virtually clear sucrose syrup used in the manufacture of a wide   environments where quick, accurate pH measurement is required.
             range of beverages and food products. Standard liquid sugar is light-  Gradual outflow of the pressurized liquid electrolyte ensures fast
             yellow sucrose syrup used in the production of cordials and juices.   response and long maintenance intervals, while the patented silver-
             Liquid sucrose can be used in non-food applications, for example in   ion trap prevents electrode poisoning from sulfides.
             industrial fermentation processes as a substrate.         pH sensor  with the technology end-users expect in the
                Production of liquid sugar can be achieved by adding distilled water   contemporary environment of devices such as smart phones reduces
             to dry sugar, or by processing cane juice. The production process for   the maintenance requirement for pH systems by sending diagnostics
             liquid sugar from cane juice is simpler to that of dry sugar, and it also   data to the transmitter, informing the operator of required maintenance
             produces a product of a more uniform quality.          before measurement is affected.
                However, unlike the extremely long lifetime of dry sugar, liquid sugar
             has a shelf life of only a few weeks. The sugar industry in Brazil has   Predictive Maintenance
             been investing heavily in liquid sugar production to meet increasing   The diagnostics information is displayed on the connected transmitter 2
             market  demand.  Our  customer,  a  major  sugar  refiner  in  Brazil,   as the dynamic lifetime indicator which shows the remaining lifetime
             manufactures liquid products purchased mainly by soft drinks   of the electrode based on the current process conditions, and adaptive
             manufacturers from local producers to multinationals.  calibration timer which tells the user when calibration will next be
                                                                    required. For operational flexibility, the multi-parameter transmitter 2
             Tough Conditions                                       also accepts analog sensors.
             The refinery’s liquid sugar production process follows the same initial   Its retractable design includes a built-in flushing chamber in which
             steps to that of dry sugar, namely: juice extraction, filtration, sulfitation   the electrode can be cleaned and calibrated when required, without
             and liming. pH measurement during sulfitation and liming is essential   process interruption. For exceptional ease of use, the cleaning system
             as the pH level in the first stage determines the quantity of sulfur dioxide   attached to the housing and transmitter takes care of electrode
             that must be added to the juice to prevent discoloration of the liquor.   cleaning and calibration, automatically.
             The purpose of adding slaked lime is to increase the pH of the acidic   The complete system: electrode, housing, transmitter, automatic
             sulfated liquor from approx. 3 to 7. The high concentration of sugar in   cleaning and calibration system, and ISM technology provide a state-
             the juice and the addition of chemical products make it very difficult to   of-the-art pH measurement system; giving customer  process
             measure pH during these processes, as electrodes can become easily   confidence and reliability, plus outstanding performance.
             coated in precipitates. In order to maximize production uptime, our
             customer was looking for a pH measurement system that would endure
             the process conditions, without requiring a great deal of maintenance.

             48 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUN   2020

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