Page 51 - FoodFocusThailand No.171 June 2020
P. 51


                  การผลิิตนี้้�สามารถทำำาได้้ 144 ชั่่�วโมงต่อเนี้่�อง ก่อนี้ทำ้�จะต้องทำำาความ                              เข้าถึงยากมากในี้ชั่่วงเวลิา 9 เด้่อนี้เพื้ราะสภัาพื้อากาศทำ้�เลิวร้าย การขนี้ส่งจากเม่อง
                  สะอาด้กำาจ่ด้เชั่่�อทำ้�ใชั่้เวลิาอ้กสองชั่่�วโมงถ่ด้มา  ปีติโกรสค์ไปถึงทำ้�หมายอาจใชั่้เวลิานี้านี้ถึง 21 ว่นี้ ด้่งนี้่�นี้ อายุของสินี้ค้าต้องม้มากกว่า
                                                                  45 ว่นี้ เป็นี้อย่างนี้้อย” ชัู่คาเรฟ กลิ่าว
                  ทางเลืือกในการขยายการผลืิต  บริษั่ทำม้แนี้วโนี้้มทำ้�จะขยายชั่นี้ิด้            สายการผลิิตขวด้ PET ปลิอด้เชั่่�อ นี้้�ได้้ร่บการยอมร่บแลิะถูกเปิด้ใชั่้งานี้ขึ�นี้ต่�งแต่เด้่อนี้
                  ของผลิิตภั่ณฑ์์แลิะรูปแบบขวด้บรรจุภั่ณฑ์์ในี้สายการบรรจุของขวด้ PET   มกราคมปีพื้.ศ. 2562 “สายการผลิิตขวด้ PET ปลิอด้เชั่่�อ นี้้�ได้้เปิด้ศ่กราชั่ใหม่ให้ก่บการ
                  ม้การจ่ด้สายการผลิิตโยเกิร์ตเหลิวทำ่�งทำ้�ม้ชั่ิ�นี้ผลิไม้แลิะแบบทำ้�ไม่ม้ผลิไม้ด้้วย   ตลิาด้ของเรา นี้มยูเอชั่ทำ้ในี้รูปโฉมทำ้�ทำ่นี้สม่ยนี้้�สร้างเอกลิ่กษัณ์ทำ้�ไม่เหม่อนี้ใครในี้ตลิาด้
                  ขวด้ขนี้าด้ 1.3 ลิิตร แลิะ 0.3 ลิิตร โรงงานี้ม้แนี้วโนี้้มทำ้�จะทำำาขวด้ส้�เหลิ้�ยม   ร่สเซี้ย” วิลิาด้ิเม้ยร์ ไคเชั่ฟ ผู้เป็นี้เจ้าของ กลิ่าวทำิ�งทำ้าย

 KRONES AG        ทำ้�ม้ผนี้่งขวด้หนี้าแลิะย่ด้อายุสินี้ค้าข้ามปีสำาหร่บนี้มยูเอชั่ทำ้ออกสู่ตลิาด้
                  ด้้วยในี้อนี้าคต “บางพื้่�นี้ทำ้�ของร่สเซี้ยตอนี้เหนี้่อแลิะทำางตะว่นี้ออกไกลิ

                  Aseptic premiere for


                  In 2007, Vladimir Kayshev took over Pyatigorskiy Dairy, formerly
                  a state-run operation dating back to the 1980s. The equipment
                  was in dire need of upgrading and was capable of processing
                  only 20 metric tons of raw milk per day. Four years later, Kayshev   of piping and tubing have been replaced, four new carton
                  decided to invest heavily in the plant and gradually transform   packaging systems have been installed in addition to the
                  it into a state-of-the-art dairy.                              new aseptic line , and storage capacity for 200 metric tons
                                                                                 of pasteurized milk and cream has been created. Today, the
                                                                                 dairy is capable of accepting 300 metric tons of raw milk per
                     The city of Pyatigorsk is in the far south of Russia, in the foothills of the Caucasus   day. The company plans to double that capacity by 2021.
                  Mountains. The region is famous for its hot springs and many mineral springs. That   The new PET line  is designed for aseptic filling of low
                  is one reason why the area within a 120-kilometer radius around Pyatigorsk is a   and high-acid products. This versatility is important for the
                  protected natural area. Heavy industry is not permitted. “That ensures that the feed   dairy because of the very different pH values of the two
                  our cows get from our 10,000 or so hectares of meadows and fields is especially   products it has so far run on the line:  milk has a pH of around
                  pure. And that, in turn, has a positive impact on the quality of our milk,” says the   6.8, while kefir’s is around 4.3. Pyatigorskiy fills the UHT
                  dairy’s president Konstantin Sukharev. The water the cows are given to drink is also   milk into transparent containers and the kefir into round,
                  anything but ordinary. The herd drinks lukewarm mineral water that is pumped up   opaque white containers. Both container varieties have a
                  from 1,600 meters underground. “It’s high in calcium and magnesium, which   volume of around 900 milliliters. The preforms used for the
                  promotes healthy bone growth,” explains Sukharev.              white kefir bottles have an integrated low-level oxygen and
                     With 2,500 cows, the dairy’s own farm produces around one-tenth of the raw   UV barrier.
                  milk Pyatigorskiy processes. A second farm is currently being established for another   When changing over from kefir to milk, the new PET-
                  6,000 dairy cows. Once that is complete, the dairy hopes to supply around one-third   Asept line  is properly cleaned and sterilized with hydrogen
                  of the milk it processes. The remaining milk will continue to come from small local   peroxide (H O ) in order to prevent contamination of the
                  farms.                                                         milk. Even the considerably higher viscosity of kefir does
                                                                                 not present a problem for the aseptic block. It can operate
                  UHT and PET Make a Good Team UHT milk remains Pyatigorskiy Dairy’s   for 144 hours at a stretch before a two-hour sterilization is
                  main product. “Demand on the Russian market is growing year by year,” says   required.
                  Sukharev. Retailers prefer UHT milk because of its longer shelf life. Besides that,
                  consumers prefer it because their buying habits have changed: they want to spend   Options for Expansion  The company intends to
                  less time on shopping, so they buy larger quantities to have on hand – which means   gradually expand the range of products and containers
                  the products have to keep longer. In southern Russia, summertime temperatures   processed on the PET line. It is already set up to fill yoghurt
                  can rise above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). It would be complicated   smoothies with and without fruit bits and to handle 1.3-liter
                  to keep larger quantities of fresh milk in the cold chain. And then there’s the fact   and 0.3-liter bottles. The dairy also wants to bring a square-
                  that UHT is the only way to go for transporting milk to other parts of the vast country.   shaped bottle to market sometime in the future, with higher
                     “At the same time, PET bottles are becoming increasingly popular as a packaging   barrier properties that should increase the shelf life of UHT
                  material for milk,” explains Konstantin Sukharev. “So far, though, they have only   milk to an entire year. “Some regions of Russia in the north
                  been used for fresh milk. Now we have combined PET packaging and UHT milk.”   and far east are logistically impossible to reach for as much
                  PET has several things going for it as a packaging material:   as nine months of the year because of their extreme climates.
                     • Consumers find PET bottles visually appealing and easy to use. Bottling and   And transport from Pyatigorsk to these areas takes 21 days
                  packaging in PET can cost half as much as packaging in cartons.  as it is. So, a longer shelf life than the 45 days you generally
                     • A PET filling line is far more flexible than a carton packaging line, since switching   get with normal preforms definitely makes sense,” says
                  to different container sizes and shapes entails less effort and cost. And that enables   Konstantin Sukharev.
                  producers to respond flexibly to market demands.                  The PET aseptic line  was validated and went into
                     • Carton packaging, on the other hand, is more susceptible to damage during   operation in January 2019. “The new PET- Asept line  has
                  transport – up to 1.5 percent of carton packaging is compromised in the delivery   opened up a new market segment for us. UHT milk in these
                  process.                                                       containers  is  a  brand-new  and  unique  product  on  the
                                                                                 Russian market,” says owner Vladimir Kayshev.
                  Modern Technology in a Historic Building For the expansion of its
                  production capacity, Pyatigorskiy is using an existing, Soviet-era building, outfitting
                  it with state-of-the-art UHT systems, homogenizers, and centrifuges. Renovations   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
                  have been and continue to be made while production is ongoing: over 300 kilometers   1  KRONES’s PET-AseptBloc D aseptic block with H O  sterilization
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