Page 32 - FoodFocusThailand No.172 July 2020
P. 32

            SPECIAL FOCUS

                Low and free-from concept

                                           in food products

             Consumer  Trends  and  Food  Manufacturers’            percent of respondents (270 persons) prefers creamy type dressing
             Opportunities                                          rather than clear type, whereas they seem to scare of the high calorie
             These days, consumers have been widely aware of the relation between   and want to avoid high sodium or loaded with additives such as MSG.
             their health and daily foods. And such health-conscious consumers are   In such an ideal world, it’s better to eat plain salad without any dressing.
             pushing up the demand of “low and free-from” foods.  In general, the   However, most of people still need a dressing to brighten up their
             “low and free-from” concept in food products are recognized as the   salad dish.
             foods not to contain particular artificial materials or undesirable materials,   As increasing of fresh vegetable lovers, it would be a great option
             for instance, no preservative, no MSG, gluten free, or GMO-free, etc.   to be considered for R&D persons to serve consumer needs by
             or made from only natural materials as much as possible.  development of a healthier creamy salad dressing, for example,
               Since consumers’ demand in “low and free-from” foods is forecasted   lowering of oil content to save calorie in-take as much as possible
             to continue growing especially in Asia Pacific region , food manufacturers   while keep preferable taste and texture for the majority of creamy
             need to notice the trend and develop the new products to satisfy such   type salad dressing lovers, adapting the natural way to preserve by
             consumers’ demand for activating the sales.            vinegar’s function instead of artificial preservatives, and also with
               The Consumer Awareness: Normally, many customers select   concept of no MSG added.
             foods based on their habit and health conditions such as allergies,
             cholesterol level, blood pressure level, etc., moreover, the concern about   Cut Down on Oil and MSG, but Keep Taste and
             sustainability issues, such as protein alternative and dairy alternative,   Flavour
             also take into account nowadays. However, if the product does not   • Oil plays an important role in emulsion system of creamy type
             deliver good taste, they simply will not buy it again. Therefore, new   dressing because it contributes to the body, texture, appearance, and
             product development (NPD) is necessary to provide innovative products,   flavor. The product development with lower oil content, after oil cutting
             which meet customer requirement both in health benefits (low and    down, will affect some attributes, for instance, the strong irritation from
             free-from what they do not want), and taste.           vinegar apparently occurs. Thus, taste and flavor of salad dressing
               An exact sample of new product development from the increasing   can be compensated with spices and herbs. For example, licorice
             consumers’ trend of natural and health concept is given in the next   may contribute to reduce irritation, and spices may compensate taste
             paragraph.                                             and flavor.
                                                                       • Cutting out MSG, which known as a flavor enhancer with umami
             Low in Oil and Free from MSG Salad Dressing            taste, it also can be compensated with spices and other natural flavor
             The studying in deep to understand consumer preference and their   enhancers.
             views on products is an important action that R&D persons should take   Consumers might not notice the difference in the taste, flavour
             into account.  In general, conducting of a consumer survey through food   and appearance of low and free-from concept products because
             research institutions such as Kasetsart University Sensory and   producers can maintain their deliciousness. Furthermore, the improved
             Consumer Research Unit (KUSCR), and some marketing companies   health benefits of products would draw much attention from consumers
             could be performed. Interestingly, for salad dressing product, almost 70   which would be the place for increased sales and promotional
             32  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUL  2020

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