Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.172 July 2020
P. 48


                                                            In addition, a high pressure also dismantles the enzymes which cause a food
                                                            spoilage. This is considered a non-thermal processing that extends the shelf-
                                                            life of food, and preserves a higher food quality  .
                                                               The equipment components to create a high pressure system consist of a
                                                            high pressure pump, an amplifier, an intermediary of mechanical energy, and
                                                            a high pressure tank. The process starts with a food preparation. Then, contain
                                                            food in an aseptic package to enter in the vessel. The vessel is later delivered
                                                            into a pressurized chamber. Water is then added as a good intermediary to
                                                            carry a mechanical energy to destroy the microbials, and water can be easily
                     Currently, membrane                    restored back when the pressure returns to normal. At the end of high pressure
                                                            application, the vessel of products can be reinstated at the normal pressure.
                   technology is the most                   Currently, High Pressure Processing can be used in the beverage industry.
                                                            However, due to a high cost of production, the expense of HPP production is
                  appropriate technology                    about 5-6 folded higher than thermal processing. Thus, it is not yet popular in
               for the beverage industry                    local market due to an economic unviable at the moment.

                                                               UV-C Pasteurization UV ray has a special property to inhibit the growth
               due to the best economic                     3of pathogenic microbes, and microbial spoilage. It also has an attribute to
                        advantage, and the                  diminish a chemical reaction, and to slow any bio-synthesis activity that affects
                                                            to food quality. The advantage of UV process at 2.03-48.12 kJ/L can deliver a
                   high-volume capacity                     similar microbial destructive power as of the thermal processing at 90  C within
                                   production.              2 minutes  at a lesser pasteurized cost of 200-300%. Currently, UV rays are
                                                            commonly used in a ready-to-drink fruit juice, and a cider vinegar production.
                                                            Required a lower temperature (less than 60  C), UV pasteurization maintains
                                                            the chemical and physical properties of fruit juice well. At present, the use of
                                                            UV rays for fruit juice pasteurization is very popular. For instance, the cider
                                                            vinegar products from fruit juices are popular among the customers in Japan,
                                                            European countries, and also the United States. By safeguarding all nutrition
                                                            and biological substances, UV pasteurization is the great low temperature
                                                            process suitable for beverage industry application .
                                                               Membrane Technology  Membrane technology is used in a product
                                                            4development and a fruit juice production with processes of ultrafiltration
                                                            (UF) and microfiltration (MF). Membrane technology of fruit juices and beverage
                                                            products mainly intends to clarify the liquid by separating large molecules like
                                                            starch and fiber, as well as reducing microbial population. The output is a
                                                            permeate of a fine liquid as sterilized product. The microbial filtering process
                                                            is done without any heat to apply, so this membrane technology has been
                                                            called as Cold Sterilization. The product therefore contains a full flavor and
                                                            taste as of a fresh fruit. Currently, membrane technology is the most popular
                                                            compared to 3 above technologies because of the lowest cost of production.
                                                            This is the most appropriate technology for the beverage industry due to the
                                                            best economic advantage, and the high-volume capacity production  .

                                                            [3]  Yashwan, K., Krishna, K.P. and Vivek, K. (2015). Pulsed electric field processing in food
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                                                            [4]  Da-Wen, S. (2014). High Pressure Processing: An overview. 2nd ed. Irion emerging
                                                              technologies for food processing. Academic press is an imprint of Elsevies. London
                                                              NW1 7BY, UK.
                                                            [5]   Pala, C.U. and Toklucu, A.K. (2011). Effect of UV-C light on anthocyanin content and other
                                                              quality parameters of pomegranate juice. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 24:
                                                            [6]   กิิติิพงศ์์ อััศ์ติรกิุล. 2557. รังสีียููวีี: เทคโนโลยูีใหม่่สีำ�หรับอัุติสี�หกิรรม่นำ��ผลไม่้.
                                                              วี�รสี�รเทคโนโลยูีกิ�รอั�ห�ร ม่ห�วีิทยู�ลัยูสียู�ม่ ปีีที� 10 ฉบับที� 1 (ติุล�คม่ 2557-กิันยู�ยูน 2558):
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