Page 68 - FoodFocusThailand No.187 October 2021
P. 68


                Testing laboratories that operate systematically and standardized will   The selection of PT Providers for Participation Criteria
             instill confidence for clients that the test results are accurate. These test   1. Shall be the recognition PT providers in the international, national,
             results can guarantee the quality assurance and quality control of food   or group of related experts
             produced to increase reliability and acceptance internationally.  2. Accessing the website at to find PT
                ISO/IEC 17025 is a widely accepted international standard of the   providers sources, and other websites of PT providers schemes in
             laboratory as the general requirement for the competence of testing and   medical and public health testing laboratories
             calibration laboratories. In addition to the management and technical   3. Laboratory shall establish a plan for participation in PT schemes
             requirements, the risk assessment, and testing activities opportunities   that covers the scope of their accreditation
             were added in Version 2017. This standardization system will help test
             results be more accurate and academically accepted. The laboratory is   PT Frequencies Participation, Interlaboratory
             upgrading to the next level to control the affected factors and develop   Comparison, and Laboratory’s Performance
             knowledgeable personnel appropriately.                 Assessment Criteria
                ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard system requires testing laboratories   1. Frequencies participation in PT schemes must comply with the
             to comply with a quality assurance system for test results to ensure   scheduled period of the PT provider or at least once a year. The laboratory
             reliability. Therefore, it plays a vital role in testing laboratories to confirm   shall ensure to demonstrate the performance evidence for on-site
             and increase the credibility of the test results. Internal quality controls are   surveillance and re-assessment.
             defined differently for each testing method. External quality controls by   2. Frequencies participation in interlaboratory comparison and the
             Interlaboratory comparison or proficiency testing activities are additionally   laboratory’s performance assessment must be at least once a year. The
             required in ISO/IEC 17025:2017.                        laboratory shall ensure the performance evidence to demonstrate for
                Interlaboratory Comparison (ILC) means an organization or laboratory   on-site surveillance and re-assessment.
             that conducts and evaluates the measurement or test results on identical
             or similar samples in testing for at least 2 laboratories.  Proficiency Test Result Acceptance Criteria
                Proficiency Testing (PT) means the assessment of a laboratory’s   Use the z-score statistics defined in ISO/IEC 17043:2010 Annex B:
             competency under the established criteria by comparing laboratories’   Statistical methods for proficiency testing (B.4.1.1.C). The z-score values
             results, referring to the ISO/IEC 17043:2010 standard system. The ISO/  within the acceptance criteria are as follows;
             IEC 17043:2010 is the Conformity assessment - General requirements   Absolute   z   z ≤2 The result is satisfactory and accepted (Satisfactory)
             for proficiency testing, management requirements, technical requirements,   Absolute  z  2 <  z < 3, The result is questionable (Questionable)
             and statistical evaluation selection guidelines.          Absolute  z  z  ≥  3  Unsatisfactory  and  unacceptable  result
             Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards, Department        Laboratory proficiency testing activities are an essential component
             of Medical Sciences has established policies and       of the laboratory quality assurance system. Proficiency testing is a
             criteria for Proficiency Testing, Interlaboratory      monitored activity and inspected quality of testing, which indicates the
             Comparison and Assessment of Test Capability.          testing  ability  and  ensures  the  test  results’  accuracy.  It  requires
                1. In case that the PT providers are available. The laboratories shall   collaboration among participated laboratories by comparison of test
             participate in test parameters or test methods for each discipline that they   results based on statistical principles. Participation in a proficiency testing
             apply for accreditation. However, the laboratory shall have a mechanism   program can be beneficial to identify quality and performance problems
             to ensure that the PT test items are assigned among the various analysts   in other relevant areas, such as client needs reviewing, transparent
             who are well trained and qualified for the relevant tests  reporting, correctness test unit, specific-time submission, and personnel
                2. In case that the PT providers are not available. The laboratories   competence testing. More importantly, the laboratory can utilize the
             shall  carry  out  the  interlaboratory  comparisons  by  two  or  more      evaluation results for maximum benefit.
                3. In case that the PT providers and interlaboratory comparison are
             not available. Laboratories shall carry out to compare the test results
             using the laboratory’s performance assessment between laboratory   More Information     Service Info C012

                                                          Food safety is of the most importance to consumers. Food
                                                          manufacturers have realized and given priority to quality control
                                                          and assurance no matter the purpose of producing food is for
                                                          sale within the country or for exporting to foreign countries.
                                                          Quality control must comply with the laws and requirements
                                                          of trading partner’s countries and be accepted in the global

                                                                       How Importance of

                                                           Laboratory Proficiency

                                              Testing towards Food Safety

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