Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 28
Sous Vide:
The Science of Temperature Control
for Better Pork Quality
Sous Vide is a French term that refers to cooking food in a vacuum-sealed bag. This method involves
placing food in a tightly sealed, food-grade plastic bag and then immersing it in a water bath with precisely
controlled temperatures ranging from 50-90°C for an extended period. Sous Vide cooking has gained
widespread popularity in both the food industry and home kitchens. Initially, this technique was primarily
used in high-end restaurants, focusing on precise temperature and time control to maintain the quality and
flavor of food.
Today, Sous Vide has become more accessible to Processes Occurring During Sous Vide at Range of
consumers through user-friendly kitchen appliances, Temperatures
allowing for consistent and high-quality cooking results. 1. Temperatures Below 55°C
To minimize meal preparation time, some consumers Myofibrillar proteins have not yet fully contracted, resulting in a
have turned to Sous Vide pre-cooked, vacuum-sealed firm and dense muscle structure. At the same time, collagen has
products, which can be conveniently reheated or further not begun to break down, leading to a tough texture that is not
cooked as desired. suitable for consumption. While the meat retains a high level of
Pork consists of key structural components, including juiciness due to minimal water loss, its texture is still undesirable,
myofibrillar proteins, which are the primary muscle especially in pork cuts with high connective tissue content.
proteins such as myosin and actin, playing a crucial role Therefore, using Sous Vide at this temperature range is not ideal,
in the firmness and tenderness of the meat. Meanwhile, as the meat has not yet reached the desired level of tenderness.
sarcoplasmic proteins, such as myoglobin, are responsible 2. Temperature Range 55–60°C
for the meat’s color. Additionally, connective tissues, Myofibrillar proteins begin to contract transversely, causing the
composed of collagen and elastin, directly influence the gaps between muscle fibers to widen, resulting in a slight increase
toughness and tenderness of the meat, especially in in tenderness. Collagen starts to soften but has not yet fully
muscles that are heavily used. Intramuscular fat, also converted into gelatin, leaving the meat with a slightly sticky texture.
known as marbling fat, contributes to the juiciness and The texture in this range is improved compared to temperatures
flavor of the meat. When cooked using the Sous Vide below 55°C but is still not ideal for pork cuts with high collagen
method, precisely controlled temperatures allow for content. However, meat cooked within this temperature range
optimal changes in proteins and connective tissues, retains good juiciness, as the temperature is not yet high enough
resulting in tender, juicy pork with a richer flavor compared to cause significant water loss.
to traditional cooking methods.
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