Page 29 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 29


                        3. Temperature Range 60–65°C (Optimal Sous   Food Safety Considerations in Cooking Pork with
                     Vide Temperature for Pork)                    Sous Vide
                        Myofibrillar proteins contract moderately, resulting   In  addition  to  maintaining  the  proper  temperature  to  achieve
                     in a firmer structure while maintaining tenderness. At   tender and juicy pork, food safety is a critical factor when cooking
                     the same time, collagen converts into gelatin, leading   pork using Sous Vide. The low-temperature, long-time cooking
                     to maximum tenderness and juiciness in the meat.   process may pose a risk of microbial contamination if not handled
                     Within this temperature range, collagenase enzymes   correctly.  Raw  pork  may  contain  harmful  pathogens  such  as
                     remain active, aiding in further collagen breakdown   Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Clostridium perfringens,
                     and enhancing the softness of the meat without   which can thrive at temperatures below 60°C. Therefore, it is
                     compromising its structure. Cooking at this temperature   essential to select fresh, high-quality meat, store it at temperatures
                     also helps preserve the light pink color of the meat,   below  4°C,  and  use  vacuum-sealed  packaging  to  prevent
                     which is desirable in terms of pork quality. This   contamination.
                     temperature range is considered the best for Sous   To  ensure  food  safety,  Sous  Vide  cooking  temperatures
                     Vide cooking, as it provides an ideal balance between   should be high enough to eliminate harmful bacteria. Typically,
                     tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. It is particularly   cooking between 58–65°C can produce tender pork, but for
                     suitable for cuts with high connective tissue, such as   maximum safety, pork should be cooked at 63°C or higher for at
                     pork shoulder, where extended cooking times allow   least 30 minutes to eliminate Clostridium botulinum, which can
                     for greater collagen-to-gelatin conversion, resulting   produce  toxins  at  lower  temperatures.  Additionally,  it  is
                     in tender, easy-to-chew meat.                 recommended to perform post-Sous Vide searing at 200°C for 1–2
                        4. Temperature Range 65–70°C               minutes  to  destroy  any  remaining  bacteria  and  enhance
                        As the temperature rises to 65–70°C, myofibrillar   flavor through the Maillard reaction. If the pork is not consumed
                     proteins contract more extensively, resulting in a firmer   immediately, it should be stored in a vacuum-sealed container
                     meat texture. While collagen continues to break down   and refrigerated at temperatures below 4°C or frozen at -18°C
                     into gelatin, structural proteins begin to toughen,   and  consumed  within  3–5  days  to  maintain  both  quality  and
                     causing the meat to become denser and slightly less   safety.
                     tender. Juiciness starts to decline due to increased   Sous  Vide  is  a  cooking  technique  that  allows  for  precise
                     water loss at higher temperatures. However, this   control of both temperature and cooking time, resulting in tender,
                     temperature range can still produce an acceptable   juicy pork with superior quality compared to traditional cooking
                     texture, particularly for leaner pork cuts that benefit   methods. The optimal temperature range for pork is 60–65°C,
                     from a firmer structure, such as pork tenderloin. The   which  enables  collagen  to  break  down  into  gelatin  without
                     meat’s color shifts from light pink to light brown as   causing excessive shrinkage of myofibrillar proteins. However,
                     myoglobin undergoes denaturation. Although this   selecting the appropriate temperature must also consider both
                     range  still  provides  better  results  compared  to   meat texture quality and food safety, to prevent contamination from
                     traditional high-temperature cooking methods, it is   harmful microorganisms. Proper handling of raw materials,
                     less suitable for cuts with high collagen content when   maintaining  temperatures  that  effectively  eliminate  bacteria,
                     cooked for extended periods.                  and performing post-Sous Vide searing at high temperatures are
                        5.  Temperatures Above  70°C  (Especially      crucial factors in ensuring food safety. By addressing these
                     Above 80°C)                                   considerations, Sous Vide becomes an effective technique that can
                        At temperatures exceeding 70°C, myofibrillar   be applied in both household and industrial settings to produce
                     proteins contract rapidly, resulting in a dense and   high-quality pork products that retain their flavor and remain safe
                     tough muscle structure. While collagen fully converts   for consumption.
                     into gelatin, the significant loss of intracellular moisture
                     leads to a dry and tough texture. Juiciness decreases
                     substantially, making the meat firmer and more difficult
                     to chew. The color of the meat darkens to deep brown     More Information        Service Info C001
                     or gray due to the complete denaturation of myoglobin.
                     Additionally, intramuscular fat melts away, reducing
                     the overall richness of the meat. Cooking at this
                     temperature range may be suitable for fatty cuts            เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     such as pork belly, where the fat content can help     Kurp, L., Danowska-Oziewicz, M., & Ktebukowska, L. (2022). Sous vide
                     compensate for moisture loss. However, it is not ideal     cooking effects on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory
                     for lean pork cuts that require tenderness and     characteristics of pork loin. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2365.
                     juiciness, as high temperatures cause excessive   Rezler, R., Krzywdzinska-Bartkowiak, M., & Piátek, M. (2023). The influence
                     contraction  of  myofibrillar  proteins,  reducing  the     of the sous vide cooking time on selected characteristics of pork lion.
                     meat’s water-holding capacity. As a result, water is     Molecules, 28(16), 6102.
                                                                    Ruiz, J., Calvarro, J., Del Pulgar, J. S., & Roldán, M. (2013). Science and
                     expelled from muscle fibers, increasing gaps between     technology for new culinary techniques. Journal of Culinary Science &
                     muscle structures and leading to a dry, tough texture     Technology, 11(1), 66–79.
                     (Figure 4).

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