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FEB 2017
In order to solve the problems of mainly the midstream food
industry and to provide guidelines for future developments which
shouldbe focused continuously. Theopportunity isopen for various
sectors to take part in the planning process inmanyways, such as
divisions, including focus groupmeeting and running brainstorming
ideason theproblemsandneedsnationallyand locally.Byadhering
theRoyal initiative, the “SufficiencyEconomyphilosophy” isamodel
for the development, alongwith the future of the country according
to its vision statement “AConfederate State-Civil Society Thailand
Becomes theKitchen of theWorld”
TheMinistry of Industry places great importanceondevelopingand
building theeconomicbaseof thecountry’s food industry forstability,
flexibility,and resilience toglobalchanges.Alongwith thedevelopment
of human resource, societyand local communities, thecountry ison
her way to the Industrial 4.0 era under the four objectives:
1)Buildup the food industryonknowledge, immunity,sufficiency,
and learning about its roles of self-management. Being a social
innovationandsocial learningwhichcanbeanongoingdevelopment
of innovative foods for an industrial stability and produce quality
products under safety standards.
2) Increase the adaptability and competitiveness of Thai food
entrepreneurs so called new warriors of Thai food industry by
improving their knowledge and skills for extended technology and
innovation, and for value creation and value added. These include
changing of the direction of the industry to be focused on the future
of food products that meet international standards.
3) Accelerating development system which is a key factor
propelling Thai food industry to the Kitchen of the World by
encouraging the private sector to invest in the World Food Valley
Thailanddeveloping.Thesupport renders to thedevelopment for the
futureof the food industrial estate, to foster theprivatesectors in the
areas of creative innovation, including Thai food testing and
certification services, production process and quality and safety of
imported rawmaterial monitoring, and to promote the development
ofnetworkservices for the total integrated /comprehensive integration
of the food industry fromupstream to downstreamactivities.
4) Creating Food industry stability associated with the regional
andglobal economy (WorldandRegional Connect), focusingon the
development of the national economy to be competitive including
flexibility andadded valueupon thepositive imageof Thailand. The
puzzle of which is an important part of the global food supply chain
presented throughauniqueThai linkingnetworkwith foreigncountries.
Toensure the implementationof thepublicsector, privatesector
andcivil societybeing in linewith thesamedirections,and the limited
resources being used effectively and fair to all sectors, the national
food industry development plan, with cooperation among public-
private sectors, technical experts, and civil society, has set up
guidelines for themidstream development of the food industry. The
planhasbeen targetingon threemajorgroupswhichare the traditional
industrial sectors, future industry sectors, and continuous service
industry sectors. The traditional industrial sector is an underlying
sector that Thailand tries to maintain as a manufacturing base to
attainstabilityof theemploymentand investment.Thesectorofwhich
includes food processing of agricultural raw materials (such as
vegetable, rice, cassava, sugarcane, cattle, pigs, chicken, shrimp,
palm oil). The future industry sector is emerging at the frontline of
prospective trends, for instance, healthydiet, food for lifeof all ages,
or thosewith high value added (as Functional Food, Medical Food,
WellnessFood,Supplement,HalalFood).For thecontinuousservice
industrysectors, theywillbeamarketingchannel forThai food industry
in theworldmarkets. Thoseare communityenterprises, street food,
hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, as well as conferences and
exhibitions businesses (MICE) and so on.
The goal of the promotion and development of the food industry in
linewith national development consists of three indicators involving
Scheme #1
Improving of yield and labor productivity in the food
industryandachievingkeyperformance indicators. TheTotal Factor
Thai Ministry of Industry encompassed public - private of more than 40 relevant agencies for a brainstorming forum
todeliberate ideas for thedraftingof Thailand’s 20-Year National StrategicPlan (AD2560-2579). TheNational Food
Institute heretofore acts as a central coordinating and supporting the work of the various committees. The Institute
has beenpreparingThailand’s 20-Year National StrategicPlanwhich tobe forwarded to theattentionof theMinister
of Industry and the Cabinet. The plan has been prepared in line with the relevant national plan and development
policies such as the National Economic and Social Development Plan, Ministry’s Strategic Plans, as well as the
significant issues expecting to bean impact on the country development over the next 20 years.
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