Productivity increasesnot less than2percentper
year, with continuous growth in the use of the
Internet of Things, technology and innovation in
management, optimizing production efficiency,
linkage of markets, quality, standards, wastes,
distributions, and trade.
Scheme # 2
export volume of the food industry. Indicators of
success and the growth rate of exports of food
escalatedby8percentornot less than thegrowth
rateof total exportsof thecountry.Accomplishing
the country’s food exports ranking theworld top
domestic product of the food industry grows
continuously. The indication of success and
realizedannual real GDPgrowthof 4-5per cent.
Expecting 10 percent of increasing investments
from food producers who turn the corner for
continuedgrowth together withanumber of new
entrepreneurs (StartUp)shown ina totalof35,000
ormorewithin 20 years.
TheNational Strategies
The National Food Institute has proposed four
strategies for the national development and
promotion of food industry blueprint. They are
divided into threemain scenarios for all kinds of
food industrial enterprises across the country
(Fundamental Strategy) including
Strategy 1: Promoting quality and safety of
theThai food industry.Enhancing thecapabilities
of food farming community on quality and
managementstandardsand leveraging thequality
and standard of manufacturing industries.
Strategy 2: Empower the food industry with
the innovation. Strengthening capability of the
foodprocessing industry to increase theefficiency
and productivity. Creating value and innovation
into food products and services. Workforce
development for Thai food industry.
Strategy 3: Developing a system to support
for the adjustment of the Thai food industry
enterprises moving up to Thailand industry 4.0
and next. Developing industry-driven factors
contributed to Industry 4.0 and the forthcoming.
Advancement the infrastructureneeded tomove
onward the food industry 4.0 or higher in the
future.And theother targetingstrategy isTargeting
Strategy including
Strategy4:CivilState takesonFoodExistingS-Curveaiming toencourage thespecial
achievements that include developing S-Curve entrepreneurial group and building up
newenterprises. Developingsystems that contribute the industry-driven factors forThai
food industry tobe theWorldFoodValleyand improving futuremarketsand tradechannels
for the food industry.
Aside,after thisbrainstormingmeetingoccasion.Theworkinggroupwouldharmonize
the ideas forThailand’s20-YearNationalStrategicPlan IssueNo.1 (AD2560-2579),and
later on preparing topropose to theCabinet for further deliberation.
Additional Information
Press release: Ministry of Industry tailors last calledpublic - private sectorsbrainstorming for 20-year
National StrategicPlan, December 9, 2016