Theediblecoating reduces the rateof respiration
in fruitsand vegetablesand, therefore, delays food
deteriorations. Theedible layer can reduce the rate
of oxygen andwater vapor transfer that decreased
the changes of firmness and enzymatic browning.
The incorporation of anti-browning into edible films
can also prevent the enzymatic browning in fresh-
cut fruitsandvegetables.Moreover, thecoatingwith
chitosan has been shown to reduce the microbial
growth on food surface due to an antimicrobial
activity of chitosan (Falguera et al., 2011). Several
researches formulatedediblecoatingwithantifungal
and antibacterial properties to extend shelf-life of
foods including fruitsandvegetables,eggsandmeat
products.Theediblefilmswith incorporatednatural
extract, teaandpinebark,can reduce the
microbialgrowthand lipidoxidation inmeatproducts
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The biopolymers with thermal gelation or high
viscositye.g.cellulosederivativescan reduce theoil
uptake indeep-friedproducts.Methyl cellulosehas
been shown to reduce the oil uptake of deep-fried
foodsbymore than80% (Mallikarjunanetal.,1997).
Moreover, theediblecoatingcan retain thecrispyof
theproducts due topreventionofmoisture transfer
to thecrustaftermicrowaveheating.Thedecreased
water transfer of edible coating can also prevent
water loss and frost formation in frozen foods.
The applications of edible films for wrapping of
foodsarestill limiteddue to thestrengthandbarrier
properties of thematerials. The efficiency of edible
films are generally lower than the edible coating
which formsbarriersdirectlyon foodsurfacewithout anygaporheadspace.However,
theediblefilmsareused for thedeliveryof activeandflavor substances.Thefilmsact
ascarrierswhichpreservestabilityof theencapsulatedcompounds.The fastdissolving
ediblefilmshavealsobeendevelopedandused fordrugandaroma releasing inmouth.
Thefilmsareconverted in tocapsulesbysolutioncastingor extrusion toencapsulate
flavor, volatile, drugandsupplements. The release iscontrolledbyseveral conditions
e.g. humidity, temperature andmechanical force.
Inconclusion, theediblepackagingsareavailable in the formsof edible filmsand
coating.Thebarrier layerprevents the transferofmoisture,oxygenandothervolatiles.
The texture, appearance and surface properties of foods can be modified with the
ediblepackaging. It canalso reduce theoil uptake indeep-friedproducts. The layers
act as carriers of incorporated active ingredients or additives. The developed edible
packagingwithactive functionpossibly reduces theuseof additive in food formulation
that meet the consumer’s demand for natural foodswithout additives. Therefore, the
edible packaging is an alternativeway to delay food deteriorations and extend shelf-
life of food products.
Safety of the ediblematerials is theprimary concern for
manufacturing of ediblepackaging.Although the edible
packagemay be removedbefore consumption,
thematerials should be compliedwith regulation on
foodadditives or the
“GenerallyRecognized asSafe”
as approved by theUnitedStates FoodandDrug
Administration. Moreover, the barrier properties of the
materials, cost and the influence on organoleptic properties
e.g. color, flavor, texture and appearance shouldbe