Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.144_March 2018
P. 45


          fan) ส�ำหรับพื้นที่ตั้งแต่ขนำดเล็ก ไปจนถึงพื้นที่ขนำดใหญ่               outdoor atmosphere and increase convenience
          โดยสำมำรถครอบคลุมพื้นที่ได้ถึง 2,000 ตำรำงเมตร            and work efficiency. Such tools are suitable for
          ช่วยลดปัญหำอำกำศร้อน ประหยัดพลังงำน และอำกำศ                    factory, inventory, shops, and even buildings in
                                                    general. Releasing system inside the inventory
          ไม่หมุนเวียน                              is also important in order to increase workers
            อย่ำงไรก็ตำม มำตรฐำนกำรผลิตต่ำงๆ และกำรบริหำร  capacity. Fan technology has been developed
          จัดกำรก็ยังคงเป็นปัจจัยหลักที่ทุกอุตสำหกรรมยังต้องให้  into high volume low speed fan, which is useful
                                                    for small to large area as it covers up to 2,000
          ควำมใส่ใจ ไม่น้อยไปกว่ำเทคโนโลยี เพื่อให้อุตสำหกรรมของ  sq.m., can remove hot air, save energy efficient
          ไทยได้ชื่อว่ำมีมำตรฐำน เป็นที่เชื่อมั่นของผู้บริโภค และ            with a better air circulation.
                                                       Nonetheless,  manufacturing  standard  and
          นักลงทุนอย่ำงยั่งยืน                      management system remain as key factors every industry needs to focus on no less than
                                                    technology in order to sustainably ensure that Thai industry is of high standard and
                                                    trustworthy for consumers and investors.
            For Thailand, approaching Industry 4.0 requires
          development in every aspect, especially digitisation
          and Internet of Things (IoT), to support technology
          and machineries to optimise the supply chain in
          response to the variety demands of customers.
          These things will lay a crucial groundwork to enhance
          Thailand’s competitiveness with other countries.
            Factory and warehouse management in 4.0 era
          is  to  apply  existing  technology  into  production
          process to storage and shipping to be more effective.
          Technology and tools used in factory and inventory
          in Industry 4.0 era can be divided into 2 scopes;
          loading area and indoor management.
               Loading Area  Transporting goods from
            1manufacturers to consumers, including
          distribution, is a very crucial step. Having the
          appropriate tools for this process will help preserve
          the goods and even save cost. Some equipments
          such as Dock leveler and Dock shelter, which are
          used in products loading from and to vehicles, can
          increase loading efficiency by connecting the vehicle
          to a platform or a dock. Sectional door is also suitable
          for a factory that needs to control temperature and
          detect dust and insects like food factory. Moreover,
          in a case where the inventory does not have a dock
          but wide area, mobile ramp that can load goods into
          container can also help making things easier with
               Indoor  Inside a building or an inventory,
            2management system is required to keep
          things in order and save transportation time. The
          most important storage equipment is a rack, which
          can store large quantity of goods and safe a lot of
          space inside the inventory. Other than that, protection
          tools such as rack guard which prevent damages to
          the rack and high speed door that prevent dust and
          insects are useful for adjusting the factory indoor-

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