Page 34 - FoodFocusThailand No.160 July 2019
P. 34

            SPECIAL FOCUS

                                                                                 How to Reduce

                                                    Fishy and Muddy Odors

                                                             of Fish for Processing

                                                    Fish is a good source of dietary protein that is easy to digest, helps
                                                          growing and repairing tissues and organ. Moreover, essential
                                                       unsaturated fatty acids for health benefits such as omega-3 fatty
                                                        acids are also found in fish. Fish products have shown variable
                                                             consumption trends in health-conscious consumers today.
                                                    However, the fishy odor, found in both of freshwater and marine fish
                                                    species, is a key factor that is unacceptable for consumers. Mainly,
                                                                     the fishy odor is caused by the following reasons:

              Endogenous enzyme activity and microorganisms          1. To avoid fishy odor problems by lipid oxidation reactions, the
           1in the fish cause volatile substances, developing a fishy  manufacturers should select only fresh and clean fish for further processing
           odor called Trimethylamine or TMA in short. In general, the TMA substance  and should not store in the ice for too long.
           is found in marine fish. It does not occur right after the fish die, but it is   2. The manufacturers should rinse the flesh of fish in clean cold water
           gradually increased during chilling storage of fish for example; covering  before cooking in order to 1) to remove fat, a precursor to lipid oxidation,
           by ice flakes and keeping at a refrigerator for a long time. Since, fresh  2) to remove fish slime and TMA substances, and 3) to eliminate blood
           marine fish contains trimethylamine N-oxide or TMAO that will be changed  containing heme compound. Washing with cold water also reduces the
           to TMA and energy by trimethylamine oxidase enzyme of bacteria in fish  initial microbial counts on the fish skin. Therefore, cold water is a great
           meat such as Shewanella putrefaciens for bacterial growth. Therefore,  choice to eliminate the fishy odor. After cleaning the fish with cold water,
           an increase in TMA amount causes a fishy odor and is directly related to  the skin and fatty portions, where unsaturated fatty acids are tightly packed,
           the number of bacteria, whereas the sensory quality and freshness of fish  should be trimmed away. Here, more of the fishy odor can be lessened.
           are declined.                                             3. To reduce muddy odor before processing, the manufacturers should
                                                                  soak raw fish in a solution containing polyphenol extract from tea or
             Lipid oxidation contributes to the development of a  mixture of polyphenol extract and acetic acid. Liu et al. (2017) reported
           2 fishy odor, especially in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna.  that soaking the channel catfish holding the muddy odor in a solution
           The reaction generates smelly volatile substances, including aldehyde,  containing 0.4 g of polyphenol extract of tea per 1 liter with 0.5% acetic
           ketone, alkane, alkenes, such as (Z)-4-heptenal, 2,3-pentanedione.  acid for 8-25 minutes at room temperature, then rinsing with water again
           Abundant unsaturated fatty acids, found in fatty fish, are the most  can wipe out the MIB in flesh and cut down the amount of geosmin by
           substrates to promote the lipid oxidation. Furthermore, heme substance  more than 50%. Use of combination between polyphenol extract from the
           that is an important component in red blood cells and fish tissues can  tea and acetic acid to remove muddy odor is more effective than single
           catalyze the lipid oxidation, since it is composed of iron element. The  use of the polyphenol extract. As acetic acid has acidic property, thereby
           most parts of fish flesh occurring fishy odor from the lipid oxidation are  enhancing the efficiency of removing muddy odor in fish.
           dark muscles that lie mostly along the lateral line of the fish, since these   4. The manufacturers should use various herbs and spices in cooking
           portions are rich in unsaturated fatty acid and heme. As a result, the lipid  as they can help in “Masking” the fishy odor. Some studies found that
           oxidation in the dark muscle areas occurs greater than in the other parts.   natural antioxidants, especially Thai herbs such as galangal, ginger, black
              As well, unpleasant odor can be found, especially muddy odor from  pepper, and long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl), can simply mask fishy
           freshwater fish like catfish, Nile tilapia, striped catfish, and channel catfish.  odor. Such herbs are popularly used as an ingredient to prepare fish
           Mainly, the substances that caused undesirable odor are geosmin and  dishes to neutralize the fishy odor in several cooking methods such as
           2-methylisoborneol or in short, MIB. Both substances, produced by blue-  stir-fried curry, roasted curry paste, red curry, Tom Yum soup, and coconut
           green algae and actinomycetes bacteria such as Streptomyces sp. in  soup. You can smell the fresh flavor of the herbs which can drown out
           freshwater resources, are saturated cyclic tertiary alcohols with good fat  the fishy odor while eating. It also benefits from antioxidant in herbs,
           solubility. Both compounds are absorbed from water resources via gill  inhibits free radicals in unsaturated fats, which causes the fishy odor from
           and tissue, and accumulated in lipid tissue of fish and other aquatic  lipid oxidation.
           animals, for instance, shrimp. However, these undesirable compounds   5. Fish processing can help reduce muddy odor. For example,
           are not toxic to living organisms. Actually, farm-raised freshwater fish will  marinating with acetic acid and salt can reduce the muddy odor in tilapia
           be managed to reduce muddy odor by various methods such as a proper  due to the decomposition reaction of geosmin breaking down into an
           feeding management, sufficient oxygen supply, live aquatic animals in  odorless substance called argosmin. In addition, fermentation with salt
           clean water ponds for the good taste of fish flesh. Nevertheless, the strong  following with deep frying is another way to reduce the fishy odor, since
           odor  of  mud  still  exists,  resulting  in  a  key  factor  to  the  consumer  the geosmin, an oil-soluble substance, can be removed from tilapia meat
           unacceptance.                                          during frying. However, some kinds of processing such as salting, sun
              Fishy and muddy odors for all fish products can be eliminated by  drying, or microwave heating cannot reduce the unpleasant odor of tilapia.
           suitable preparing and processing of fish in various methods, including;

             34 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUL   2019

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