Page 93 - FoodFocusThailand No.160 July 2019
P. 93


                                            The development of renewable   energy resources are based on four groups.
                                         energy  in  Thailand  increased   2.1 Production of heat from renewable feed stock such as residual
                                         steadily. It was a result of the   waste, biomass and biogas as fuel remaining after deducting the estimated
                                         government promotion policy.   potential to produce a different type of energy now.
                                               Productions of renewable   2.2 Production of heat from fast growing trees, target was set by
                                               energy are in the form of   considering the potential of deteriorated soil area such as high deteriorated
                                               electricity, heat and   area and area of deterioration in crisis of the land for agricultural reform
                                              biofuels. In 2014, the total   which was outside the main irrigation area. This make no impact or affect
                                             renewable  energy        to the area of food crops. The analysis found that Thailand has high potential
                                             consumption was at 9,025   areas (about 640,000 hectares) for fast growing trees planting. The
                                            thousand tons of oil equivalent   utilization of this area for 1/3 portion would be produced approximately 18
                                           (ktoe), up 9.6% from the previous   million tons of biomass per year.
                                          year. It shares at 11.9% of final   2.3 Production of solar heat, the target was set at 1,200 ktoe by
                                         energy consumption. The renewable   assessing the potential solar energy to heat demand from the three available
                                       energy is highly consumed in the form   technologies, solar hot water systems, solar drying system and solar heating
                                      of heat. It is about 60% of the total   and cooling systems.
                                          renewable energy consumption,   2.4 The production of heat by other source of renewable energy, this
                                                followed by biofuels and   will be in the research and development of the technology that competitive
                                                 electricity. In 2014, the   in price in the near future such as geothermal, etc.
                                                   utilization  of
                                                   renewable energy in   The Expected Results
                                                   the form of heat,   The goal AEDP2015 is to increase the proportion of renewable energy in
                  biofuel and electricity are 64%, 19.7%, and 16.3% of total renewable   the form of electricity, heat and biofuels for 30% of final energy consumption
                  energy consumption, respectively.                   by 2036. This renewable energy would replace the use of fossil fuels for
                     The agricultural industries such as sugar, palm oil, tapioca   approximately 39,388 ktoe, which is estimated value for THB 590,820
                  starch, wood processing, paper mills and animal farms, is mainly   million (price 1 ktoe = THB 15 million). It will reduce the greenhouse
                  used heat from renewable fuel. These are industries with waste   gas emission for about 140 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
                  scrap and waste from manufacturing processes that can be used   (tCO e).
                  as raw material in the production of energy in the form of biomass   2
                  and biogas from wastewater. The mentioned wastes are most
                  popular and widely used renewable feedstock that have been
                  consumed to reduce the fuel cost in agricultural industry.

                  The Renewable Energy Development Targets
                  In the formulation of AEDP2015, the final energy consumption
                  demands from the Energy Efficiency Plan: EEP2015 was used
                  especially in case of energy intensity is reducing by 30% in 2036
                  when compared to the year 2010. This was indicated that demand
                  of final energy consumption in 2036 will be 131,000 tons of oil
                  equivalent (ktoe). The electricity demand forecast from the power
                  development plan: PDP2015 was also used to set the target of
                  AEDP. PDP indicated that in 2036, net electricity demand will be
                  326,119 units or equivalent to 27,789 ktoe. The heat demand
                  forecast in 2036 will be 68,413 ktoe and the forecast demand for
                  fuel in the transportation sector from the fuel management plan for
                  2036 is 34,798 ktoe. The target of other plan, including consideration
                  of the potential of renewable energy sources that can be developed,
                  was used to formulate the target of AEDP2015 to replace 30% of
                  final energy consumption (in from of electricity, heat and bio-fuel)
                  by 2036.
                  Goals of Heat Production from Renewable Energy
                  Demand of energy for heating is a significant proportion of the
                  energy consumption of the country, which has increased steadily
                  and is proportional to the economic situation. The targeted promotion
                  of heat production was considered as the steps below;
                     1. The projected energy demand for heating. The energy
                  demand for heat production was forecasted that it is at 68,413 ktoe
                  in 2036 in line with the analysis of final energy demand from
                  EEP2015, PDP2015 and fuel demand in the transport sector as an
                  oil management plan.
                     2. Assessment of the potential to produce heat. Renewable

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