MAY 2017
CuChiMilk Joint StockCompanyLimitedhas started itsbusinesson
125 raiof land forproducingavariousagriculturalproduct,doing integrated
farming formushroom cottage, orchidgarden, fruit and vegetable farms,
dairy cows, goats and sheep, while the place is also opened as an
agricultural tourist attraction for touristsand interestedvisitors. Inorder to
promote itsdairybusiness, thecompanyhasestablishedadairyproduction
plant for producingpasteurizedmilk, yogurt andbottledmilk tea in2013.
The factory has been designed and installed with high technology
automation machineries by Patkol Public Company Limited, leading
company inengineeringbusinessof foodandbeverageproductionprocess
and cooling system fromThailand.
“All activities within the farm are carried out in accordance with the
organic farming system," Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, co-owner of Cu
Chi Milk Joint Stock Company Limited said to Food Focus Thailand
magazine. "We have started the mushroom farming business by
merchandising our products to traders in nearby areas. Later on, The
company has increased value-added for mushroom by making various
productssuchasdriedmushroom, andcookedmushroom.Our products
then have become more recognized so that many people come to the
farm by themselves and that it was a great start to a farm visit activity.
Many kinds of mushrooms are growing here in current such as Bhutan
mushroom, white mushroom, oyster mushroom, and Lingzhi or Reishi
mushroom. Next to the mushroom cottage are orchid garden, and
vegetables and fruits plantation areas, while some part of the farm is for
growing grasses and for feeding dairy cows, sheep, andgoats.”
"We learned tochange the traditionaldairy farm toahighqualitycontrol
organic farming, especially dairy cow farming which is a beginning for
producing quality dairy products, "saidMrs. Huong. Thus, in every step
beforegetting rawmilk, the farmingprocesswill be stringently controlled
to be free from chemical and antibiotics. There is a lot of attention for
growing grasses, caring for cattle in the farm, as well as employing
outpatient process for separatingsickcows from thenormal feedingarea.
At present, there are about 50 dairy cows in the farm that are imported
fromNewZealandandDenmark. Ineverymorning, staffswill milk a cow
byusingautomaticmilkingmachine,whichnow theplanthasfivemachines.
After that rawmilkwill be processed in the dairy plant.
ProductionPlant inHoChi MinhCity
On the1,200squaremeterof land, the integratedautomatedmachinery
for rawmilkprocessinghasbeendesignedand installed. Theproduction
and packaging lines are modernized and equipped with high safety
standardmachineryused in foodproduction. Theautomaticprocedure is
controlled with high accuracy system, making high quality products
and desired standard.
Each day, about two tones of rawmilk from the farm and nearby
villagerswillbepouredandkept in the tank.Then themilk temperature
will becooleddown to4 °Cs for lengtheningshelf lifeof rawmilk.The
raw milk will be pulled into the mixing tank for adding sugar and
adjusting the taste. Theproductionwill be sent to thepasteurization.
At present, the factory has two pasteurizers: for pasteurizing fresh
milkat 90 °C for 40 seconds, and for pasteurizing yogurt at 95 °C for
300 seconds. After pasteurization, the products will be kept in the
storageat4°C temperature,and lateronenter to thebottlingprocess.
CuChiMilkJointStockCompanyLimited isasmallmedium-sized
dairyplant producingsweet pasteurizedmilkas itsmajor production.
Theplant capacity fordairymilk isat 2,000 litersperhour, 2,000 liters
of yogurt per day, and2,000 litersof bottledmilk teaper hour. Patkol
PublicCompanyLimitedhasplayedamajor role insupportingon the
design, manufacture, and install modern automatic machinery for
production and packaging processes.
The installedmachineshavebeendivided into twoparts, rawmilk
tank, and the production line, which are included rawmilk mixture
system, system for remove fat from milk and make skim milk,
pasteurizedsystem,CIP tanksystem,anddippingplatesystem. “After
adoptingautomation system for foodproduction, wehave found that
difficulties and problems along the production process have been
decreased, while the production capacity has increased. It is worth
for long term investment. There are also after-sales service and
professional technical assistance.” she said.
Resorts for Tourists
One thing thatencouragesCuChiMilk factory tobe famousamong
tourists as its factory is located in green area and surrounded by
agricultural learning resources. The place is open for tourists and
visitors, who are interested to dairy cow, goats, and sheep farm.
Tourists can also stay overnight at the resorts nearby the factory.
"Although thegoatandsheep farm is intended tobea touristattraction,
it canalsoproducegoatmilk for processing intodairyproducts,”Mrs.
Wehave learnt from the tripvisiting to thedairyplant thatVietnam
hasplayedhighattention to thedevelopment of food industry. It aims
to support the industry growth as one of the key economic driven
engine for its country. One of the most outstanding strategies for
developing the industry growth is to adopt new innovation and
advanced technology for supporting automatic production system in
food industry.
Technologies inVietnam
Cu Chi Milk Joint Stock Company
Limited inHoChiMinhCity,Vietnam
is one of the most interesting
agriculturaland foodproducers in the
technology for the development of
was foundasorganic farming.After
that it has expanded to an organic
dairy farm, and become one of the
most modern small medium-sized
dairymanufacturer for pasteurized
milk, yoghurt andbottledmilk tea in
HoChi MinhCity.