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MAY 2017
Challenges inFactory
Accidents always occurs during cleaningworkplace, for exemples;
the staff got an injure while cleaning a machine which was operating.
There is no lockout/tagout machine or equipment in order to
safety shoes, cap, mask and respirator causes a splash of cleaning
agents anddisinfectants toany part of your body directly. Not following
safety working procedures, and principles introduced at theworkplace
to causeanaccident withorgansof thebody. Employeearenot trained
about how tomaintainasafeandhealthyworkplace, incloudinghow to
wareandusesafetygear andequipmentwhen requiredor appropriate.
And lack of supervision in term of sanitary practice.
How toprotect anaccident?First, youmust understandabout listing
of equipment and list of cleaning item. Identify cleaning program plan,
on-the-job training all relevant employee to ensure that all employee
should be awareness and competence. Prepare cleaning equipment
required appropriate. Determine cleaning program technique base on
risk assessment under code of practice follow ILO Convention
187-Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health
Convention, 2006.And established risk assessment.
Risk analysis of safety and sanitary challenges in factory must be
considered following below;
• ClassifyofActivity
• Hazard Identification
• RiskAssessments
should be conducted by a team of persons
whohavea thoroughknowledgeof thework that isplanned tobecarried
out. Teammembers should include management staff, process or
facility engineers, technical personnel, supervisors, workers and
safetypersonnel if available.Assess risksbasedon the likelihoodof
accidents occurring as a result of hazards and the severity of the
consequences, should the accident occur.
Risk Management Program
by use tooling as Checklist,
WHAT - IFAnalysis,HazardandOperabilityStudied (HAZOP),Fault
- TreeAnalysis (FTA) is adeductiveanalysis approach for resolving
anundesiredevent into itscauses,FailureModesandEffectsAnalysis
(FMEA) is methodology for analyzing and addressing potential
reliability problems during development, Event - TreeAnalysis is a
causal analytical technique which is used to evaluate the process
and its events leading toa possible accident.
• RiskControl Measure,
review action plan; design installation
machine, equipment, and tooling constructed to ensure that, where
necessary, standard, follow work instruction and code of practice,
preventivemaintenance,calibration, inspection throughofequipment
and machine, change control as process flow, raw material, and
machine, training, safety audit, codeof practice, etc.
Risk analysis of safety and sanitary
challenges in factory must be
considered considered.
Safety and sanitary challenges in factory are employee
hygiene and personnel safety who is responsible for
cleaning. Especially safety and sanitation challenges
in the food factory are consider concurrently. Good
manufacturing practice in food factory is of suitable
cleaning. However, theremight be an accident caused
bycleaningpracticeoccurreddue tocarelessness.How
shouldbeprotected carelessness in factory?According
to thedata in2015, the food factory faced the5
hazard inThailand forall typesof food industry thatcould
affect life, disability, organ lost, over-3-day absence
injuries, less than 3-day injuries, etc.
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