Even though the retortpouch technology for ready-to-eat foodshelps
to extend shelf life, besides those factors asmentionedabove, storage
of ready-to-eat productsshouldbeconsidered thephysical appearance
of foods concurrentlywithmicrobial analysis i.e. smell, color, taste and
textureof food thatmightbechangedby time.Therefore, thebestbefore
date should be defined properly in order to be best appetizing for
Limitationof Ready-to-Eat Foods inRetort Pouch
Generally, food technology usually comeswith limitation also the retort
pouch technologyaswellwhich is thesuitabilityof individuallyapplication
i.e. fried or baked foods that are required tomaintain crispy texture for
a period of time which the ready-to-eat foods in retort pouch cannot
satisfy todoso; besides, foods through the retort pouch technologymay
havedifferences from freshlycooked foods,some ingredientsmayshrink
by heat such as shrimp or some cannot stand to the high treatment
condition causingmushy or soft foods i.e. sliced tomato, eggplant, etc.
Nutritionof ready-to-eat foods in retort pouch, it hasbeengenerally
known that cookingheat doesdestroyvitaminsof foods, alsoproduction
of ready-to-eat foods in retort pouchwith high temperature sterilization
that aim todestroymicroorganisms, it ishardly tokeepall foodvitamins
aswell.However, ready-to-eat foods in retortpoucharewell-maintaining
nutrition products especially the group of carbohydrates, proteins, fats
and fibers in the similar amount as freshly cooked food.
GuidelinesandOpportunityofReady-to-Eat Foods
inRetort Pouch
Ready-to-eat foods in retort pouch industry, either manufacturers or
production employers need to understand it thoroughly and wisely
consider all factors, information related to foodmanufacturing industry,
ingredients, target analysis, and related laws and regulations. The
manufacturersmust be licensed tomanufactureaccording to the typeof
foods includingmust haveat least 1 retort supervisor tocomplywith the
lawand to register foodproductswith theFoodandDrugAdministration
(FDA). Moreover, market analysis and businessmodel are things to be
realized inorder tomeet thesatisfactionof targetedconsumers i.e.baby
food, elderly food and healthy food, etc., that see hygienic food as first
priority, includingbusiness know-how toevaluate suitability of business
type to the technologywhichwill support a cost reductionof warehouse
management, transportation andproducts distribution.
Presently, the government has a policy to promote Thailand as an
innovative agricultural country, supporting agricultural products
processing ideas to increasecompetitivepotential of food industry in the
worldmarket. Besides food creativity and vision in newmarkets, retort
pouch technology for ready-to-eat foods is an interestingalternative for
Thai food industryentrepreneurs that help todevelop food innovation in
variousways and continually apply toThai food business in the future.