DEC 2017
Routineperformance testing isparticularlychallenging foroperators
ofhighspeed,verticalorgravity-fedmetaldetectionsystems. Introducing
metal testsamples into free-fallingpowders,snack food,orconfectionery
applications and documenting the results takes considerable time and
resource. Inmanycases theprocess requiresoperators toworkatheight
and to reach across equipment which creates potential risk. TheATS
addresses eachof these challenges.
TheATS isasystem thatcanbeused to reduce thecostand improve
the repeatabilityofmetal detector routineperformancemonitoring tests.
It isdesigned forusewithmetal detectors inspecting free-fallingproduct
in vertical packing or gravity-fed applications.
Onceactivated, thesystemautomatically tests themetal detector to
ensure itcontinues tooperate to thecustomer’s requiredqualitystandard.
It doesnot however, verify theeffectivenessof the reject control system
in place.
How theATSworks
Test samples, to a known certified standard, are assembled in discrete
acrylic tubes that run up the inside face of themetal detector aperture.
The automated pneumatic control transports each test sample in turn,
to a defined position above the principle sensing coils within themetal
detector. The test sample is then released, simulating the presence of
a contaminant in free-fall under gravity.
TheATS test is performed andmonitored on the return of the test
samples to their original position. Thewholeprocess takes less than30
seconds to complete for a three-metal test, or less than45 seconds for
a four-metal test.Thesignificant reduction in the time required toperform
the tests increasesproductivity.Operatorefficiency is improvedcompared
with manual testing. Only one operator is required to conduct routine
performance monitoring tests, and the time taken to conduct the
process is reduced considerably. Operator safety is improvedwhen
using theATSbecause it virtuallyeliminates theneed foranoperator
toworkat height or reachacrossother production lineequipment to
conduct routinemetal detector performance tests.
TheATScanbeconfigured to testwith threeor fourmetal types.The
completesystemconsistsof fourdistributedassemblies:aPneumatic
TheATS isnot intended foruse inhazardousareasand isnotcurrently
ATEX/IECEx approved.
PneumaticControl Module
The Pneumatic Control Module houses the Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) andpneumatics. It connects to theTubeAssembly,
Control Unit and metal detector. The maximum allowable distance
between the Pneumatic Control Module and the TubeAssembly is
TheTubeAssembly isavailableasa threemetal test (aspictured in
p.39) or a four metal test option. Ferrous, Non-ferrous (brass) and
StainlessSteel316 testsamplesarestandard inboth.The four-metal
optionalso includes aluminum. TheTubeAssembly is connected to
the Pneumatic Control Module via flexible pneumatic pipes and is
located onto the external flange of the metal detector. Two thumb
screws hold it in place.
Control Unit
TheControl Unit enables an operator to start a production test and
reset the system should the need arise. The Control Unit can be
mountedup to30m from thePneumaticControlModule inaposition
that is convenient for regular operator use, making it ideal for
applicationswhere themetal detector is installed ina location that is
not easily accessible. TheATS operating and test status is clearly
visible via themetal test indicators.
Benefitsof theATS
Having the ATS featured in the line can improves productivity by
reducing the time taken to conduct routine performance tests by up
to 90%, Moreover, it also enhances operator safety by reducing or
virtually eliminating the need to work at height or reach across
equipment to conduct tests as well as improves process quality by
enhancing repeatability of test processes.
The Automatic Test System (ATS) can decrease the time it takes to
complete metal detector performance monitoring tests by up to 90%,
compared to manual testing processes. The ATS ensures tests are
completed consistently, every time, formultiplemetal types to improve
process quality.