Page 25 - FoodFocusThailand No.172 July 2020
P. 25


                  profit per head for business operators. Restaurant owners in this   restaurants even after a rollback of virus control measures is declared
                  group should consider;                                and based on fluctuations in daily food orders which differ from the
                     1.  Diversifying  their  revenue  streams,  extending  them  to   normal situation, adjustments to inventory management and limitations
                  encompass more customer groups in other fields, for example:   to the variety of menu options are measures that could help reduce
                  presenting a weekly or monthly culinary course for customers who   losses via mitigated costs.
                  have switched to working from home.
                     2. Adjust their business formats and processes in line with   Summary
                  consumer demands and changing circumstances, for instance: cutting   In summary, the improving COVID-19 situation has prompted the
                  down  on  the  number  of  branches  that  operate  as  full  service   government  to  gradually  ease  virus  control  measures  and  allow
                  restaurants and choosing instead to use pop-up stores to reduce   restaurant businesses to resume their operations in succession. Under
                  expenses and risks, or shifting to invest in cloud kitchens to coincide   the assumption that no new waves of infection will resurface over the
                  with rising consumer demand for dining at home. Traditional forms of   remainder of this year, restaurant businesses which emphasize on-
                  business operations may no longer be worthwhile under current   premise dining should be able to capitalize on this opportunity. Aside
                  conditions, as break-even points have markedly increased.  from this new and changing corporate environment, net income for
                     • The groups that are likely to see relatively limited impact   restaurants in this group may vary according to key issues, especially
                  include typical restaurants, streetside eateries and food carts, as they   the cost-effectiveness of products and services, the location of each
                  were among the first group of restaurants to experience the benefits   eatery and differences in business operating costs. On top of that,
                  from the government’s easing of virus control measures. Moreover,   changes in consumer behaviors – namely their growing familiarity with
                  a high proportion of income for restaurants in this group comes from   online food services and home delivery – along with income limitations
                  takeaways. As some restaurateurs have partnered with food delivery   that stem from the sheer number of customers who have yet to return,
                  service applications before the viral transmission, their revenue   and rising expenses to restore consumer confidence, which are also in
                  streams have undergone diversification.               line with business practices – all have impact on net income, especially
                     Since most of the restaurants in this group are SMEs, and are   amid the public’s overall weakening purchasing power as a result of the
                  without franchises, their process adjustments are likely to be executed   economic recession and a contracting tourism sector. Another cause
                  at a brisk pace.                                      for concern comes from fierce competition among restaurant businesses
                     Because existing systems and processes were established without   which may eventually cause some restaurants to close permanently.
                  standards, adjustments on the part of business operators are still   KResearch projects that restaurants’ income will continue to shrink
                  necessary in upgrading dining venues to meet the new business   for the rest of the year, leaving restaurant businesses with a market
                  standards. Such adjustments include;                  value of only THB 385 to 389 billion, or a contraction of 9.7% to 10.6%
                     1. Raising sanitary standards within eateries to attract consumers   from the preceding year. This would mark a reversal of fortune as growth
                  and lessen their concerns over the cleanliness of raw materials, the   would thus shrink for the first time in eight years. Based on the changing
                  dishes and utensils, and the personal hygiene of their staff and chefs  business environment, restaurateurs must quickly adjust themselves to
                     2. Taking more precautions in managing raw materials and   the “New Normal” for business conduct, in order to carry out business
                  inventories, including cutting down on the number of menu options.   operations that are in step with changes in consumer demand.
                  Given  that  most  consumers  are  still  not  expected  to  frequent

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