Page 85 - FoodFocusThailand No.216 MARCH 2024
P. 85


                        5. เพิ่ิ�มสารพิ่รีไบโอติิกส์ให้้กับจุุลิินทรีย์์โพิ่รไบโอติิกส์
                     ใน ลำำ�ไส้้เอ็็กโซพอ็ลำิแซ็กค�ไรด์์ (exopolysaccharides) เช่่น
                     กลำูแคน (glucan) ฟรุกแทน (fructans) หรือ็ gluco-,
                     fructo-oligo-saccharides ท่�จุุลำินทร่ย์์ผลำิตขึ้้�นในซ�วโด์วจุ์

                     อ็ุตส้�หกรรมเบเกอ็ร่ ซ้�งไม่จุำ�กัด์เพ่ย์งเฉพ�ะขึ้นมป็ัง โด์ย์           5. Increase in prebiotics for intestinal probiotics
                     ก�รทำ�ขึ้นมป็ังซ�วโด์วจุ์ให้ม่รส้ช่�ติแลำะคุณภ�พตรงใจุ                   Exopolysaccharides,  such  as  glucan  and  fructan  or
                     ผู้บริโภคจุำ�เป็็นท่�จุะต้อ็งอ็�ศััย์ระย์ะเวลำ� คว�มพย์�ย์�ม          gluco-oligo-saccharides and fructo-oligo-saccharides, are
                                                                        produced by sourdough microorganisms and act as prebiotics
                     แลำะคว�มใส้่ใจุในก�รด์ูแลำกลำ้�เช่ื�อ็จุุลำินทร่ย์์ ตลำอ็ด์จุน                for gut microbiota.
                     ก�รควบคุมส้ภ�วะก�รผลำิตให้ม่คว�มเหม�ะส้ม เพื�อ็ให้ได์้  Sourdough  technology  benefits  the  bakery  product
                     ขึ้นมป็ังท่�ม่คุณภ�พ                               industry, which is no longer limited to just bread. Improving and
                                                                        finding sourdough bread’s right qualities and flavors that
                                                                        consumers desire will take time, require effort and dedication to
                                                                        the care of starter culture, and necessitate careful control of
                     เอกสารอ้างอิง / References                         manufacturing  conditions. The  ultimate  goal  is  to  develop
                     Costantini, A., Da Ros, A., Nikoloudaki, O., Montemurro, M. Fekri,   high-quality bread.
                       A., Abedinzadeh, S., Torbati, M., Azadmard-Damirchi, S., &
                       Savage, G. P. (2023). Considering Sourdough from a
                       Biochemical, Organoleptic, and Nutritional Perspective.   More Information       Service Info C011
                       Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 105853.
                     Genot, B., & Rizzello, C. G. (2022). How cereal flours, starters,
                       enzymes, and process parameters affect the in vitro digestibility
                       of sourdough bread. Food Research International, 159, 111614.
                     Hernández-Figueroa, R. H., Mani-López, E., Palou, E., & López-
                       Malo, A. (2023). Sourdoughs as Natural Enhancers of Bread
                       Quality and Shelf Life: A Review. Fermentation, 10(1), 7.
                     Luangsakul, N., Keeratipibul, S., Jindamorakot, S. and
                       Tanasupawat, S. 2009.  Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts isolated
                       from the starter doughs for Chinese steamed buns in Thailand.
                       LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42, 1404-1412.
                     Martin-Garcia, A., Riu-Aumatell, M., & Lopez-Tamames, E. (2023).
                       Influence of process parameters on sourdough microbiota,
                       physical properties and sensory profile. Food Reviews
                       International, 39(1), 334-348.
                     Ribet, L., Dessalles, R., Lesens, C., Brusselaers, N., & Durand-
                       Dubief, M. (2023). Nutritional benefits of sourdoughs: A
                       systematic review. Advances in Nutrition, 14(1), 22-29.
                     Sánchez-Adriá, I. E., Sanmartín, G., Prieto, J. A., Estruch, F., Fortis,
                       E., & Randez-Gil, F. (2023). Technological and acid stress
                       performance of yeast isolates from industrial sourdough.
                       LWT, 114957.
                     Torbica, A., Radosavljevic, M., Belovic, M., Tamilselvan, T.,
                       & Prabhasankar, P. (2022). Biotechnological tools for cereal and
                       pseudocereal dietary fibre modification in the bakery products
                       creation–Advantages, disadvantages and challenges. Trends in
                       Food Science & Technology. 129, 194-209
                     Xu, D., Zhang, Y., Tang, K., Hu, Y., Xu, X., & Gänzle, M. G. (2019).
                       Effect of mixed cultures of yeast and lactobacilli on the quality
                       of wheat sourdough bread. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 2113.

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