Page 23 - FoodFocusThailand No.226 January 2025
P. 23
Health – Precision Wellness This second food regarding the protection of nature. Climate change impacts
trend highlights that the majority of consumers are companies and also creates uncertainty regarding the supply
proactive about their health, including using nutrition as chain. Droughts, floods, heat waves, and climate-related
a tool to help manage their health issues. They also say that diseases are creating shortages of certain ingredients and
personalization improves the effectiveness of nutrition plans. foods. The impact on climate-sensitive crops such as cocoa,
The precision wellness trend combines personalization with coffee, and olive oil drives companies to innovate toward
balanced nutrition and convenience in functional food and alternatives and new formulations. While companies can
beverage products. What does personalization mean? It can position products with premium pricing, consumer willingness
include products that are tailored to life stage, lifestyle, physical or unwillingness to pay could shape product development and
and mental health needs, and/or gender. Women’s health, weight positioning strategies in this food trend.
management, mood support, and performance are among the
key growth areas in precision wellness. In weight management, Beauty Food – Taste the Glow Beauty and
watch for the impact of GLP-1 drugs on product innovation and physical appearance matter to consumers. Consumer
marketing. trends surveys show that consumers are highly aware
of the health of skin on the face and on the body, healthy hair,
Flavors – Wildly Inventive This third food trend and other features associated with physical appearance. Anti-
shows that consumers seek fun and excitement in food aging is no longer limited to just older consumers. In fact,
and beverage products. They enjoy unexpected flavors, younger consumers are the most interested in anti-aging
fusion cuisines, cobranded products by heritage brands, unusual products. Innova has been tracking growth in launches with
product formats, mash-ups of more than one type of product, a skin health claim. On the ingredient side, collagen and vitamins
and limited editions. Consumers are particularly interested in are attracting attention from both manufacturers and consumers.
exciting flavor combinations, especially those that they learn
about on social media. Social media delivers the unexpected to Food Culture – Tradition Reinvented This top
consumers. That is why it is important for companies to innovate food trend is about reinventing tradition in food culture
in a way that incorporates fun and indulgence to excite and includes both honoring authenticity and heritage.
consumers. In this food trend, desserts can be a platform for It includes innovating new food and beverage products from
combining flavors; products can be a fusion of two categories, a traditional foundation. Both approaches can be expressed
for example, snack and main dish; and sweet and savory can through cultural differentiation by country, region, or microregion,
be combined for a new sensory experience. as well as cultural fusion. Products, ingredients, recipes,
seasonings, and packaging can all support tradition in both
Gut Health – Flourish from Within classic and new ways.
Post-pandemic consumers focus is back on gut health.
Digestive/gut health is the top driver of purchases of Mood Food – Mindful Choices This top food
functional food and beverage products. Consumer interest is trend displays that consumer concerns about mental
also high in hallmark gut health ingredients, namely, fiber and health have impacted product innovation trends over
prebiotics to feed the microbiome. On the ingredient side, the past several years. Consumer trends surveys show that
manufacturers are fine-tuning product ingredients to support and consumers are increasingly concerned about their mental and
optimize the gut microbiome. The food trend around gut support emotional well-being. Younger generations in particular strive
is spreading into more product categories, for example, snacks. to support and improve their mental health. Stress and anxiety
drive purchases. Despite the strong and growing consumer
Plant-based – Rethinking Plants This top food interest in mental health solutions, innovation in products for
trend has been an enduring trend over the past several mood, focus, sleep, and other benefits is underdeveloped.
years. As with other trends, it evolves with global trends, Innovation opportunities to target mental health can incorporate
lifestyle trends, changes in the industry, and consumer trends. vitamins, minerals, functional ingredients, mushrooms, and
Consumers are not 100% satisfied with today’s plant-based other ingredients associated with mental health benefits.
offerings. They want choices that are less processed, more
natural, have better taste and texture, offer health benefits, and AI – Bytes to Bites In this food trend, brands are
support the environment. Consumer sentiments along with beginning to unlock the full power of AI. They are
concern about health risks from eating ultra-processed foods moving from infinite capabilities to concrete applications
are forcing companies to reimagine their development of plant- that elevate consumer experiences. AI is growing in use as
based products. Manufacturers are going back to the drawing a tool for speeding up product innovation, identifying ingredients,
board to innovate with standalone plant-based products that developing product formulations, creating flavors, automating
do not mimic meat or dairy and offer simpler formulations, clean production, protecting food safety, and supporting sustainability.
labeling, less processing, better sensory features, and attractive Expect to see AI disruptions in the coming year, as well as
pricing. The evolution process has started. Innova is tracking brand communications and claims about the benefits of AI for
a trend toward more plant-based products with a natural claim their products.
and with real and recognizable whole plant ingredients. As key trends evolve throughout the year, brands can
anticipate shifts that align with changing consumer desires.
Sustainability – Adapting to Change Our sixth Brands that stay ahead in adapting to these evolving preferences
top food trend identifies the connection between are likely to drive innovation in the food and beverage
consumer awareness of climate change and industry.
sustainability efforts on the part of manufacturers. Consumers
are extremely or very aware of climate change and say they are
open to climate-related actions such as sustainable farming
practices, climate resilient crops, and novel crop cultivation More Information Service Info C002
technologies. Consumers also say they notice package claims
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