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athlete’s better performance both in the
training, during exercising/racing, and after
that. (Below diet is for those athletes who
exercise more than 1 hour, for those who
exercise less than that, plenty of water and
rest should be good enough)
Coconut Juice
has well balanced pH
at 6.1 – 7 which is almost the same to the
humanbody, therefore canbeabsorbedand
fuel our body system right away, including
Time passes, things change, nowadays outdoor exercises have become a
popular trendamongThai people, thereareexerciseactivities, or sport races
that require athlete’s power and agility almost every week in Thailand, for
examples; tennis, marathon running, trail running, biking, or even IronMan
Triathlon,etc.Whilemostpeopleseeathlete’svictoryat thepointof finish line,
but rarely theywill understand athlete’s dedication in training and disciplined
lifestyle long before the race.
potassium, andmagnesium which are good
for re-hydrationand replenishingnutritionand
minerals into our body system.
is themost popular fruit among
athletes whose sports require power and
agility, due to the fact that body system will
transformcarbohydrate,andsugar intoenergy
to fuelmusclecontractionand reaction, faster
than transforming fat andprotein intoenergy.
Banana offers sucrose, fructose, glucose,
carbohydrate, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin
B6 and B12 for which our body system can
digest fastenough tobeeffectivelyused inmost
powerful and agile sports.
datingback in thehistoryandculture
of theArabians, theyusuallycarriedwater and
date fruitsonto thebackof thecamels traveling
across thedry desert, due to the fact that date
is compact but offers high energy from sugar
of 282 kcal/100 grams altogether with its fiber
to retainwater in thebodysystem, then reduce
the dehydration into the most efficient rate,
including quenching thirst.
issignificant forathletes, in termsof
energy to thebodysystem,musclecontraction
and reaction during exercising/racing, also for
the post exercising/racing recovery.
Athletes should consider well-balanced
nutrition, enough rest, plenty of pure water,
disciplined lifestyle, clearmind, andhappiness
toenjoygoodhealthwhich thereforepromotes
excellent performances.
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