Page 54 - FoodFocusThailand No.165 December 2019
P. 54
Maintenance, including repair, is an action
to ensure that the conditions of a tool,
a machine, or an equipment are ready
for operation at all time. Since 1970,
this process has been based on the
concept of Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) that enables everyone, not just
the maintenance department, to get
involved in order to increase machinery
Machinery Maintenance
for Occupational Safety
Machine Tool Maintenance A proper maintenance extends a Guideline for Specific-Purpose Machine Maintenance
machine tool’s lifetime and increases occupational safety. Each 1. Responsible personnel must thoroughly study the machine’s
machine tool should be matched with its corresponding jobs and components from the operational manual and its specifications such as
capacities. General maintenance should be carried out on the machine, structure, structural material, requirement for each specific part to ensure
which must not be overused beyond its capacity, nor should it be basic understanding of the machine.
stationed near a flammable object. The machine must be properly 2. Study and anticipate any potential irregularities including
cleaned and stored immediately after use. vulnerable spots such as leakage-prone areas and points of high friction,
weight-bearing, or heat exposure.
General-Purpose Machine Maintenance A general- 3. Possess thorough knowledge of the machine operation record.
purpose machine, such as lathe, drill, scraper, and planer, is used in 4. Gather feedback from operation personnel to identify operational
a non-continuous production system and can manufacture many types irregularities such as occasional excessive noises, stiff levers, or
of tailor-made products. In addition to being cost-effective, it works with unsmooth operation as maintenance personnel may not be as well aware
various types of materials and has longer lifetime. Operational methods of any failure tendencies as a regular user.
and patterns rarely need to change, except for the technology required 5. Inspect areas with high stress, high energy loss, intense vibration,
to control the machine. or excessive noises. Analyze how these symptoms differ from the
machine’s original conditions. The comparison will indicate whether it is
Guideline or General-Purpose Machine Maintenance time for active maintenance.
1. Before commencing an operation, thoroughly inspect the 6. Check for oil loss, especially lubricant leakage. A leakage of
machine’s general condition. If any irregularity is detected, immediately hydraulic propulsion oil can pose operational harm.
notify responsible repair personnel before use. 7. Check for irregularities in gauges to ensure reliable indications.
2. Clean the machine and apply lubricant to places where spinning, Determine whether any deviated readings are within an acceptable
grinding, and grazing occur. Make sure that the lubricant is at an standard.
adequate level. 8. Analyze the machine’s lubricant and grease. For example, during
3. During operation, select the RPM speed that corresponds to the an oil change, test an oil sample for contaminating substances. A high
chosen material. Some types of iron, aluminum, or plastic, for example, level of contaminants indicates excessive deterioration, which requires
require the application of coolants such as oil or soap water to reduce further corrective action.
heat and bending. 9. Inspect frequently damaged parts, which may be the result of an
4. Operate the machine in accordance with the work’s characteristics. ineffective design.
For example, an appropriate drill and bit size must be properly matched 10. Use special inspection techniques or tools such as pressure
with the nature of the workpiece. inspection during machine operation
5. Carry out proper post-operation maintenance such as dusting 11. Check control systems such as buttons or levers
or cleaning. Some machines may require anti-rust lubrication after use. 12. Cost saving measures, such as restrained use of lubricant or
setting excessive RPM speed to maximize production capacity, may
Specific-Purpose Machine Maintenance A specific- translate into machine irregularities.
purpose machine is based on the general-purpose machine principles 13. Inspect other components such as tubes, cables, heat insulation,
but is subject to further adaptation, modification, or size reduction and water, pressure or safety valves. Also check for other irregularities
before being assembled into one new machine. Used to manufacture such as twisted or damaged pipes and deposition of dust.
specific products, usually on a continuous production line, it offers high An effective machinery maintenance ensures reliable operation, high
turnover rate, speed, and lower per-unit cost. efficiency, lower repair and maintenance cost, and reduced risk of losses.
52-54_Source of Eng_Wuthinun.indd 54 19/11/2562 BE 17:40