MAY 2017
For foodmanufacturers it isnot alwayseasy tounite
cost-effectiveprocessingwith thedesires anddemands
of the market. In response to this current clean label
trend industry suppliers have developed compounds
that do not contain e-numbers. These systems are
stabilizedusing functional ingredientswhichdonot need
to be declared as additives. Clean labelling is also a
current topic not just for traditional products, but also in
thecaseofspices forgrillingand forsauces.Monosodium
glutamate has been all but eliminated in such recipes,
in particular in the case of products manufactured on
an industrial scale. Today careful eaters tend to
define themselves more by what they will not eat.
These consumers have given rise to a market of
‘free-from’ products, such as lactose-free or gluten-free
Meat SubstituteProducts
Thesedaysmeat consumption isasubject of discussion
across a wide field of interests. Whilemost consumers
still believe in the saying that ‘meat is a slice of vitality’,
itcannotbedenied thatvegetarianorveganoptionshave
now assumed a position at the heart of society.
Meat substituteproductshavecomeall theway from the
niche market of organic products and health food
shops to the shelves of food retailers and discount
Nowadays, trends in food and the nutritional
‘zeitgeist’ is in the spotlight. Clean Label has
been trending big-time in the meat sector for
manyyears. Itgivesexpression to thedemands
made by consumers and the retail sector to
have products that are as far as possible