MAR 2017
Since thermal -
transfer printing is
inexpensive, these
exclusive ink ribbons will
not strainyourbudgeteither.
On thecontrary, theyenhance
products and raise consumer
awareness by supporting you in
yourmarketing efforts.
Labels and barcodes in your corporate colorsmake life difficult for
crooksbecause theyareunable tocreate thermal-transfer ink ribbons
in the exact hue for which your company is known. This means
that your productswill bemore secure. Your warehouse personnel,
distributorsandcustomersknow that anarticle isgenuineonlywhen
label and barcode are printed in your corporate color. The color
signature turns your product labels into a seal of quality.
EvenMoreProtection forYour Product
You can even take your product security a step further. Today
a thermal-transfer foil has been developed to allow you to add
information. It onlybecomesvisibleclearlyunderUV light, revealing
the authentication feature of your choice. This thermal-transfer foil
underscores the uniqueness of your product and protects you and
your customers.
And at the end of the day it supports purchase decisions. Your
corporatecolor isonallofyourcompany’scommunication tools–except
its labels and barcodes.Why is that?
Thermal-Transfer Foils inYour CorporateColor
Anyonecandoblack.But color print catcheseyes.Todaymanyspecial
features have been invented and offered to themarket. One of these
offers is to develop thermal-transfer ink ribbons exclusively for you in
your exclusive corporate color, even if it involves very special color
blends, which can be held constant for you over the years
This thermal-transfer ink ribbons technology helps enhance your
market presence. Labels and barcodes in corporate colorsmake your
products evenmore unique.
Color Thermal-Transfer RibbonsSet TheTone
Black print is standard and nothing special for consumers, so anyone
looking to draw attention to their product will need to break this habit.
Use labels andbarcodes togive your products apersonal touch in
severalways.Autographmerchandisewithyour corporatecolor, oradd
anout-of-the-ordinary splashof color.
Wax-resin, resinandnear-edge ribbons inmanycolorsare themost
common materials and colors. However, if your desired color is not
among them, a provider can custom the special color thermal-transfer
ribbons just for you.
Thermal-transfer foils in metalized colors are eye-catchers. These
decorativecolorsareoften reserved forspecial events, suchas ribbons
for parties and funeral services, or packaging for luxury products.
Youhave investedmuch time,moneyandwork intodevelopingyourcorporate
color. You know that color features prominently in your corporate design and
strengthensbrandawareness,setsyourcompanyapart fromcompetitors,and
sends anemotional message to your customers and employees.
Additional Information
Color Your Brands
is aprogramcreatedbyKURZwhich is todevelopcustom
thermal-transfer ink ribbons inanexclusivecorporatecolor, even if it involves
very special color blends.