JUN 2017
These ideas are just a part that themaintenance teamwill have to
face and act immediately, otherwise, the machine will not be able to
manufactureaworkpiece.Or else, the cost of production is sohigh that
the business will not be able to go on. Maintenancework, therefore, is
like a thankless job. No praiseful if you do it, blamed if youdon’t!
If you look at the factory process from thebeginning, it has to start with
the targeted products for manufacturing, the design of all production
process, themachineryandequipment required.Maintenanceplanning
usuallystartsafter themachine isordered. It seems like thebuyer isnot
theonewhooperates themachine,whereas theoperator isnot theone
who decides what to buy. Plus, if themachine designer does not have
enough experience on actual productions, the design herein is based
onlyonsimple calculations, combinedwithanearningexperience.Asa
result, many problems will be followed when the machine is running.
Subsequently, themaintenance team has to repair themachine almost
everydayuntil itbreaksdown.Surely,noonewants tomeet thissituation
whichwill causemanyhiddencosts, timeconsumingandhighbusiness
Just lower costs and time spent on maintenance work than
competitors under proper management. That sounds so simple. If you
canmerely run themachine for theproduction, regardlessof competitor
costs.But in the realworld today, thebusinessmustconsider theoperating
costsoccurred ineverysectionof thecompany.Oneof thekeyelements
of the business competition now is the inevitable cost-and-time-of-
productionacross theproduct life cycle, comparingwith the competitor.
Especially inasituationwhere thesalepricecannot be increasedas it’s
hardly acceptedby consumers, includingan increasingdailywage and
salaries of undergraduates under state policy combined with the price
of raw materials and fuels soared to height. So, if you can keep the
machine runningeffectively,employing lesspeople,andusing longer life
machinery, these can also reduce the cost and time of production per
unit.When thesalepricecannot beadjusted, therefore, it has to reduce
the production costs.And if themaintenance cannot help to control the
performanceandefficiencyof themachine, thebusinessmustcountdown
to closing operation.
Survival of theMaintenanceTasks
Using traditional engineering techniques togetherwithanexperience in
maintenance work may not be a great endurance for maintenance or
business today. In thepast, themaintenanceworkwouldbe involved in
two different ways, whichwere;
TheBenefits of CAETechnology
Reduce time for product development.
Improve thequalityand reliabilityof the
Cut downprototypecost - test and
reduce thewaste that will beoccurred
in theproductionprocess.
Createbusiness opportunities and
profitswithin theperiodof theproduct
1.Proper functionalityverificationof themachinebymeasuring
suchasAccelerometer tomeasure the vibration, etc. The
measurement result shows innumbers of each spotswhere the sensor
is installed. If anymalfunctionoccurred, themachinewill be stopped to
find thecauseandfix it.Usingexperienceandmeasurementdata records
can help discover the cause only on certainpoints that the sensors are
2. Determine theappropriate time toshutdown formaintenance
so that themachine will be able to run effectively with the longest life-
cycle. Mostly, the maintenance plan is scheduled according to the
manufacturer’s instructions and theoperating experience of the users.
However, if the maintenance work can use an engineering tool to
analyze the behavior of the machine while operating, it avails
understanding the values measured by the sensor variously, and also
learning what type of loading that damages the machine. This makes
the two tasksmuch easier.
What isaComputerAidedEngineeringTechnology?
ComputerAidedEngineering technologyorCAE isacomputer software
thathelpssupportinganengineeringanalysis indesigning,manufacturing
and solving engineering problems such as to analyze the robustness
andperformanceofassembliesandcomponentsaswell asaproduction
process. The software can also help to identify causes of problems or
damageonaproductbyusingcomputermodelingsimulation (Simulation).
CAE, therefore, isa tool that allowsdesigners tomakeadecisionbased
ondata.Thiswill eliminatemistakesand reduce trial anderrorspractice.