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Strength Analysis for Maintenance
Tasks andPackagingDesign
FiniteElementMethod (FEM)software isoneof the tools
of CAE technology that canbeused to simulateusage
conditions to study the relationshipbetween theusage
conditions and the strength and deformation behavior
of the designed workpiece. This enables the designer
to determine the workability and optimal performance
of theworkpiece. The designer can also recognize the
maximum stress took place on different positions and
the area where the highest chance of damage can be
occurred.Thismakes itpossible tocalculate forasafety
value (safety factor) asaparameter for aproper design
andmaterial that is suitable for usage conditions.
Design for theForce-resistingElements
• Stress distribution analysis onboth static
and dynamic loads.
• Realize the deformationbehaviour of
the structure (Deformation).
• Bring about a strong structureapplicable
to operating conditions by using suitable
• Stress distribution analyzingonboth static
and dynamic loads.
• Know the deformationbehavior of
the structure (Deformation).
• Strengthen by using theRib in the right place
instead of increasing the thickness of thewhole
TheCAE technologysoftware isworking likeascanner
thatscansamachinewhile inuse. With theencompassed
simulation of actual machine operation, it helps to
observe the behavior of the components of the whole
machine that is the force, twist,stress,heat, temperature,
vibrationaswell as thefluidflowwithin themachineand
When it comes tomaintenancework, it calls
attention to a job that is full of oil stains,
burdensome and complicated assembly,
problem solving endlessly, then single out
the right replacement parts. It isalsogetting
to consider more or less of an investment,
lengthof time toshutdown formaintenance.
Howmuch of an available experience can
solve theproblem facing?Wherecanwefind
anexpertise tohelpsolvedifficultproblems?
the reducingor remainingof themachine lifecycle.With this feature,CAEsoftwarehasbeen
used inmanymaintenance tasks.Theycanbeused toanalyze theareawhere thecomponent
ismost likely to damage first. Predicting that howmanymonths or years themachinerywill
be lastedor it canbeextended toa longer life if theproductionvariablesareadjusted.These
analytical data can be used to determine the right spot on the machine to install for the
optimum sensor. The software enables data collection on the operatingmachine efficiently
and appropriately. The analysis data can also be used to plan for maintenance schedules
accurately. If any of the parts appears to break down, CAE software can also be used to
design for replacementparts.Seeing thatCAEsoftwarecanhelpyoufind thesolution toyour
maintenanceneeds. It can reducecostsand timeof themaintenanceprocess. Thiswill help
lower the costs of the business and to remain inbusiness on a sustainable basis.
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