BASF (Thai) Ltd.
BoothNo. Q1
isderived fromnaturalmicro-
.Grown inopen-airseawater lagoons, thealgae,
in response to strong sunlight, temperature and salt concentration,
produces a mix of carotenoids, creating ‘nature’s defense system.’
Dunaliella carotenoids are a superior anti-oxidant and have benefits
for skin, eye and heart health. Produced under highest quality
standards, BASF’s algae carotenoids are harvested using the most
natural manufacturing process while preserving the integrity of the
Thai PeroxideCo., Ltd.
BoothNo. E1
LeadingGlobal Supplier of FoodGradeHydrogenPeroxide and
PeraceticAcid inAsia
Our product range includesDurox,Tetramate,
Combimate- food grade peroxide for aseptic filling lines of TetraPak,
combibloc, etc., Clarity for PET bottle aseptic filling lines of Krones,
GEAProcomac,Sidel,ToyoSeikan,Multi-100 fordisinfection inpoultry,
seafood andmeat, Birlox 15 for native andmodified starch bleaching
and disinfection, and high purity peroxide for semiconductor industry.
ChaipattanaSolutionCo., Ltd.
BoothNo. F16
ProudlypresentAmazinPlums toEnhanceFlavors andTextures
With a unique blend of fiber, sugars, acids, and antioxidants,
AmazinPlums enhance the flavors and textures of a wide variety of
food products. This is possible because of the inherent richness of
pruneplumsproducedbySunsweet.Theyare rich in texture, phenolic
compounds, desirable acids, sweetness, and color.
NutritionScCo., Ltd.
BoothNo. R1
“S-SWISSE” an Innovative Sweetener Blend for Your Exciting
NutritionSC is launchinganewproduct under “S-SWISSE”
brand at the beginning of August 2017. S-SWISSE is an innovative,
sweetenerblend. Ithasanatural-sweeteningprofilewithoutbitterness
or odor. S-SWISSE is suitable for creating exciting new products,
especially in food and beverage.
BoothNo. C7
Presenting Latest Innovations for Snacks, Soups&Sauces and
EmslandGroup uses renewable crops like potatoes
and peas for producing high quality starches, flakes and granules,
specialderivativesaswellasproteinsandfibres–allmade inGermany.
At theshowEmslandGroup ispresenting latest innovations forsnacks,
soups& sauces and glass noodles.
Brenntag Ingredients (Thailand) PublicCo., Ltd.
BoothNo. L1
AGlobal Market Leader in Chemicals Distribution
Brenntag, a
global market leader in chemicals distribution, is a reliable supplier
for the foodandbeverage industryofhigh-quality ingredientssourced
fromallover theworld.Weconnect toourcustomersbyunderstanding
andmeeting theirneeds, throughour food&beverage teamexperts.
Comeandexperience thewondersof our foodadditivesshowcased
in selected applications especially prepared for you.
ArcadiaFoodsCo., Ltd.
BoothNo. S35
We Develop, Create and Supply of Innovative and Safety Food
ArcadiaFoods isamarket pioneer indevelopment, create
andsupplyof innovativeandsafety food ingredient focusingonpremix
flour, sauces, seasoningand ingredient.At the show, wewould like to
invite everyone tomeet our latest innovation of gluten-free premixed
flour, Halal certified Shoyu, and a wide range of sauces as well as
various kind of seasoning for poultry, seafood, snack and bakery
Kerry –Taste&NutritionCompany
Leading toBetter,AuthenticTasteExperiences -DeliveredbyKerry
Consumers todaywant great-tastingproductsmade from real, trusted
and authentic ingredients. At Kerry, we develop solutions that meet
these needs. From snacks and meat solutions, to beverages and
baked goods, and through our newly launched dairy, culinary and
sweet collection, youcanpartnerwithus tocreatemoreauthenticand
delicious tasteexperiences thatwilldelightandnourishyourconsumers.
KHRobertsPte. Ltd.
BoothNo. G17
“Inspiring Healthful and Flavourful Beverages”
The health and
wellness trendhasevolvedwithconsumersnowseekingmoreexciting
alternativesbeyond regular juicesor lowsugarbeverages.KHRoberts
is launching an exciting range of flavour creations, providing fresh
inspirations to healthy beverages. Join us in a sensory experience of
CornSilkTea, Lavender Coconut andPapayaLatte at Fi Asia 2017!
Okuno-Auromex (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
BoothNo. M22
Specialized inFoodAdditive forShelf-lifeExtensionandTexture
One of leading distributors of food additive for shelf-
life extension and texture improvement in various food categories
includingdaily dishes, bread& confectionery, noodle& rice, seafood,
meat processingand fruit &vegetableprocessing.Wealsohavea full
range of product development andanalysis service.