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Peru is considered a strong export country
from SouthAmerica. According to data from Peru’s
Export Association, Peru is the biggest exporter of
asparagus and paprika, and the growing exporter
of organic products such as banana and coffee.
However, thereareothereconomiccrops forexports,
dependingon theacreageandmarket trend, including
grapes, avocado,mangoandblueberries. In this trip,
we had the opportunity to visit vineyard “Agricola
Don Ricardo”, whose products (including premium
for export. The farm is located in Ica province, 400
kilometre southof the capital city Lima.
Favorable Location of Ica
The Ica region is
theonly regionof thesoutherncoast formedbyplains,
alsocalledcoastplains. Italsohasasemi-desertand
alluvial valley formation. Its average temperature is
between 15-25ºC. The average precipitation is very
low through the year recorded only 10 mm of rain
in 2014 which could cause the area to suffer from
drought, but an expected rain can also be expected
aswell. Even though the drought could be expected
in this semi-desert area, the irrigation system and
technology in his area iswell superbwhichmakes it
then very suitable for growing various kinds of crop.
Ica region covers around 21,327 hectares, and
around5,500hectareshavebeenplanted vineyards
including table grapes. Its average yield is around
4,000-30,000Kg per hectare.
Peruvian TableGrape Export
According to
Salvador Garcés, Sales Manager of Agricola Don
Ricardo, the Peruvian grape industry is trying to
sign trading agreements with as many countries as
possible to diversify our offer as much as possible,
and thatwill be thekey for the industry in themidand
long term. Currently, the export CAGR is at around
25%andexpected togrow15%annually in thenext2
years.Ourmainmarketsarestill theUSandEurope,
butweexpect toput somesales intoAsiamorewhich
could beChinaandKorea”.
Salvador Garcés
continued that “the main variety of Peruvian Table
grape exported is Red Globe (70%), followed by
Sugraone (9%), Flame (6%), Crimson (7%) and
Thompson (3%). Currently, there is a significant
amount of new varietiesbeing testedanddeveloped
in Peru, Magenta and Sweet Celebration taking the
Agricola Don Ricardo holds many agreements
withmany grape breeders such as SunWorld –US
- based grape breeder andGrapa, etc. to grow their
exclusivevarieties.Thecompany iscurrentlyplanted
table grapes around 900 hectares. All the grapes
are seedless and 100% for export. “An increase on
FoodFocusThailandmagazinehad theopportunity toattend theExpoalimentaria2016 inLima,PeruonSeptember,
28-30, 2016. Before theevent was opened,ADEX, anorganiser, arrangeda trip for international press, toenhance
understandings about agriculture andexport of fresh fruits and vegetable industry of Peru.
Crimson,MagentaandSable is forecasted.Thus,Flame,SuperiorandEarlySweetvarieties
will have to be reduced. Also, many new varieties are being planted in the pilot scale and
forecasted togoon thecommercial scaleverysoon.”SalvadorGarcéswrappedup the tour.
ครพล อนั
Assistant Editor
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