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3. Threadbareappears in the clothes after a few
4. Clothes have black blotches resembling fungi
that looks dirty.
5. Clothes providing for the use of employee is
not enough.
The in-house laundry facility often overlooks.
Whileasahygienicproductioncontrol is in focus, the
laundry room isneglected.Regardlessofan improper
clean of clothes, it will impact on all most all the
aspects, such as
1.Clothing trappedwithmicroorganisms,whether
a bacteria or fungus is considered a serious matter
that inevitably affects the products and theworkers.
Thosemake product unsafe.
2. Lint from clothes fallen into the product is
consideredasa foreignsubstance.Theconsumption
of such product despite small amount is however against theGMP standard.
3. Musty smell from clothes caused by rancid fat is also considered a foreign
substance which is non-compliance with the standard. If it is contaminated, that
productmayunpredictable turnover tonon-compliancewith thestandardsandproduct
Only threeof theabovecanbeperceivedasacontaminatedproduct.Thesafety
of theproduct, therefore, isunacceptable.So far,webasicallymonitor theproduction
andmachineryaccording toahygieneprogram.On thesubjectofcleaning,wemerely
do it, while in lackingof attention for an intensive process that affects food safety.
It is so important that the washing guideline should not be overlooked. The
instructions are the following:
• Laundry detergents often have 6-7 formulas which are different from regular
wash. Thedetergentmust come fromapprovedmanufacturingwho fullyunderstand
which type of detergents that appropriate.
• Washing programs that suitable for each type of clothes, particularly the
operatorswith a variety of clothing.
• Washingmachinesuitable for thecapacityand typeofclothing.Therearemany
plants that never change thewashingmachine for over the years, even though the
volume of clothing has increased over time. There may be neglected or skip the
instruction.Themaintenanceprogram isanother issue thatshouldbedone thoroughly,
not waiting until theproblem occurs to fix it.
• The amount of clothes to bewashed is not more or less. If the volume is too
low, theclothesmaynotbewellcleanedbecause there isnocontactpressurebetween
fabrics. Toomany clothes, however, also give lower values of fiber attrition, and the
detergent solutionmay not beenough tomake it clean thoroughly.
• The quality of water used for washing is likewise significant. Hardness of the
waterusedand laundry formulasmustbebalanced foracleanliness.Thewaterused
for laundrymight aswell be concerned.
A selection of the detergent or washing machine manufacturing, or even
maintaining services is a monitoring program required for the clean clothes in
accordancewith hygienic conditions. And that brought effects to the food safety as
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