JUL 2017
1. The followingNotifications shall be repealed
(1) TheNotificationof theMinistryofPublicHealth (No.269)B.E.
2549 (2006) Re: Foods with Risk from Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy, dated 13
JanuaryB.E. 2549 (2006);
(2) TheNotificationof theMinistryofPublicHealth (No.375)B.E.
2559 (2016)Re: ImportRequirement forFoodwithRisk from
2. Definitions andmeanings
“BSE risk status”
means the risk of Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease prevalent to bovine
populationwithin the particular country or region; which classified into
three categories (see in itemNo.3).
means all edible parts of cattle such as meat, hides and
skins, fat, offal, bone, milk, blood, bile, or tonsils.
“Fresh Meat”
means “Meat” that has not been subjected to any
treatment irreversibly modifying its organoleptic and physicochemical
characteristics. Thisalso includes frozenmeat, chilledmeat, orminced
“Meat Products”
means “Meat” that has been subjected to a
treatment irreversibly modifying its organoleptic and physicochemical
characteristics such as freshmeat marinated with sauce, brined offal,
sausage, gelatinor collagen, andalso includes foodproductsprepared
fromor containing “MeatProducts” suchasdietarysupplement capsule
that made of cattle gelatine, beverages containing collagen, sweets
containinggelatin or jelly.
3. Categorization of countries by region in accordance with OIE’s
code (Table 1)
The particular country or region; which classified into three
categories, as follows inTable 1:
4. Criteria and conditions for importing or banning importation of
products from cattle as follow:
4.1 Importable products without the condition of the BSE risk
status categorization (Clause 3 of the notification) refers to
“Fresh Meat” and “Meat Products” from cattle that can be
imported without having to consider the region the product
is from, be it Category 1, 2, or 3, as the products are BSE
The following “FreshMeat” and “Meat Products” shall be imported
without the condition of theBSE risk status categorization.
(4.1.1) Milk, MilkProducts, Hides andSkins;
(4.1.2) Gelatine and Collagen prepared exclusively from
hides and skins;
(4.1.3) Tallowwithmaximum level of insoluble impurities of
0.15% inweightandderivativesmade from this tallow;
(4.1.4) Dicalciumphosphate (withno traceof proteinor fat);
(4.1.5) Deboned skeletal muscle meat (excluding
mechanically separated meat) from cattle which
were slaughtered and dissected through the
specified processes;
(4.1.6) Blood and blood by-products: the cattle shall not
be subjected to a stunning process prior to
slaughter, with a device injecting compressed air
orgas into thecranial cavityor toapithingprocess
oranyotherprocess thatdamagedbrainandspinal
(4.1.7) Meat productswhich contained (4.1.1) - (4.1.6)
as ingredients.
4.2 Importable food subject to the condition of region based
BSE riskstatuscategorization (Clause4of theNotification) refers to
edibleproducts fromcattle thatwillneed tobeassessedandsubjected
to follow the conditions of region based categorization;
(4.2.1) Freshmeat andmeat products other than those
listed inClause 3 of theNotification;
(4.2.2) Gelatin and collagen prepared from bones;
(4.2.3) Tallowand tallowderivativesother than those listed
inClause 3(3) of theNotification;
(4.2.4) Dicalciumphosphate other than those listed in
Clause 3(3) of theNotification;
(4.2.5) Anymeatproducts thatcontains ingredients listed
in (4.2.1) - (4.2.4)must follow theconditionapplies
to the regionwhere freshmeatandmeatproducts
ingredients came from.
4.3Banned for importation products (Clause 5 of the
Notification) means edible products from cattle that are banned for
importationunderBSE riskstatuscategorizationclassifiedby region,
parts of the cattle, and age of the cattle.
5.Requireddocuments for the importationof freshmeatandmeat
products from cattle at the office at import check point of Food and
DrugAdministration (Clause6-8of theNotification, as thecasemay
be) detailed inTable 3.
6. Any person fails to abide by the provision listed in this
Notificationshall befinedunderSection47, 49, or50of theFoodAct
B.E.2522 (1979).Penalties for theviolationofSection50of theFood
Act, for example, are imprisonment for 6months to2 years and fine
for THB 5,000- 20,000.
7. This Notification is effective from 21
July B.E. 2559 (2016)