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Thegrowthof theChinesecraftbeer industry
has been significant, but it is tooearly to call
ita revolution.Currently,China looks to follow
the same path as America in the 1990s.
Chinese craft brewers need to get into the
business for the correct reasons. Lacking of
an educated market, regulatory loop holes
and lack of infrastructure are among
weaknesses the breweries are facing and
need to be strengthened.
However,opportunities in this industryare
sill there.How?China,with itspopulationand
oneof theworld’s richestculinaryandcultural
historieshasahugepotential tonotonlymake
great craft beer, but make and define new
categories of craft beer that other countries
and breweries had never even considered.
Moreover, with the country’s strengths such
as its unique culinary traditions that provide
access to numerous flavors, additives, and
other ingredients will aid in creating a truly
special styleof craft beer. Growing inmiddle
class and stagnate commercial brewing
industry are also among the strengths that
China’s craft beer possesses.
In the near future of craft beer in China,
we could see clearer reforms to regulatory
deficiencies, andamorecraft beer educated
of both consumers and industry while
definitionsofwhat Isandwhat isn’t craft beer
inChinawill becleareraswell.Exposureand
collaboration with international craft beer
brands will be more conducted. Attendance
andparticipation in international conferences
and technological discussions will be held
moreoften. But in theend, quality still needs
to come first in a list. Poor product quality at
both the contract brewing level and the
brewpub level create a lag between the
consumer expectation and the consumer
Special Thanks to
Carl Setzer, Founder of Great LeapBrewing, BeijingChina – anhonoredguest speaker inBrewingConfer-
enceBangkok 2017which is a joint project of theThailandBeer IndustryGuild (TBIG) andVLBBerlin. held
during11-13 June2017.
USADefinitionof Craft Beer
• Annual Productionof 6millionbarrels or less
• Less than 25%ownedor controlledbyalcohol industry
member that is not itself acraft brewer
• Abrewer that has amajorityof its beerswhose flavor derives
from traditional or innovativebrewing ingredients and their
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