JUL 2017
RejectingQualityProduct Due toProduct Varieties
Bakery product is considered as a high variety product. As its variety
nature isamain reason, improper selectionofmetal detector cancause
faultalarmand fault rejection.Detectingand rejectinggoodqualityproduct
will result inanunreasonablewaste, losing time in checkingproduct as
the good product will be screening out anyway and the cost in clearing
thosewastes.Therefore,metal detector,whichcan responsewell in the
different product varietycircumstancescan facilitatesmoothproduction
process andensure that the final product hasmet qualified standard.A
metal detector with various choices of frequency functions will help to
ensure themost effective bakery production.
Metal Detector Cannot BeMalfunctioned or Breakdown “Once the
bread is ready, it must be immediately on the shelf“
Becausemetal detector isconsideredas the last qualitycheckpoint,
once the final product is ready, if metal detector has broken or stopped
working at once, that means all the fresh bakery products are delayed
tobeonshelves for repairingprocess.Then, thebakeryshelf lifewill be
shorteningor evenendedaswasteand that considersasanenormous
loss in the production process.
Metal detector, which can self- verify its readiness and update its
working condition to the conditionmonitoring inadvancewill help to cut
down its unworkable period frommalfunction.
Periodic Check-up Is The Heart of Product Quality
In order to control the quality, metal detector is set at theCCP (Critical
Control Point),whichmeans theperiodicverify is theheart to thequality
guarantee process. What will happen, if check-up (verify) has been
skipped and poor quality product goes to the consumer hands?Metal
detector with performance verificationwarning system has beenmade
available. It can even record the checking processes, checking results
to create highest confidence in thequality guarantee process.
From thecapabilityofmetal detector that isnecessary in thebakery
production, 100% of quality control cannot be said yet. An error can
happenevenwhen themetal detector hasworked sideby sidewith the
automatic rejecting system that has no controlling system. “Then, how
can we make sure that the rejecting system can clear product with
contaminate out of production line correctly?”
Error CheckingSystem forAutomaticRejecting’s
Theerrorcheckingsystem inscreeningout theproductwithcontaminate
from the due diligence system, it needs additional equipment. The
good checking system should be able to track back and see what
kindof error has happened in thepast. Hereare the components of
metal detecting systemanderror checking system for duediligence
• Automatic rejectingsystemwill bevariedaccording to thework
purposes, which correct and proper design are needed. Otherwise,
ineffectiveness can be a result.
• Productarrivalcensorandspace fromproduct toproductcensor.
It is the first censor that detects product arrival and helps to define
the proper screening range aswell as checking the range between
theproducts that come inasasequence tosee if there isanychange
in the range,sinceanychange from theset rejecting rangecancause
awork error.
• Reject confirm censor and censor when reject bin is full. Once
metal leftover is found in the product by the metal detector. It will
send signal to screening system for further action. Theproduct with
contaminatemust be rejecting out and put in the correct reject bin.
The reject confirm censor inside the binwill check if those products
with contaminate have already been in the bin. And, whenever the
screening bin is full, it will send a signal to responsible person, who
will come in and take them for further checking process.
• The function of reject check censor is tomonitor theworks of
other censors. If any damaged censor is found, the last censor on
theexit laneofmetal detectingassemblywill inform that the system
cannot work effectively right now. And, if any incident happens, the
metaldetectingassemblywill stopworking immediately. Itwill resume
theoperation againwhen the system is solved and fully functioned.
• Using key as a reset switch. If any error has happened, the
officer,whocancome tocheckand restart thesystemagain, should
beanauthorizedperson that hasbeenassigned to keep the key for
resetting the system.
• Sound and light warning signals. If any error is detected, the
warning signal shouldbe sent to informpeople, whoare indistance
to hurry up and take further actions on time.
• Recording the details of activities. Perfect metal detector and
rejecting system should be able to track back all the activities that
have done and all the errors that have happened aswell.
From theabove information, it isensured thatmetal detectorand
errorcheckingsystem inautomatic rejectingcanguaranteeandcreate
qualityconfidence thatcanboostproductioncapacityofmanufacturers
and protect their reputation aswell.
From thecurrent trendofanon-goinggrowth in thebakerymanufacturing industry, ithas resulted in thehigherproduction
capacity. Therefore, selectionofmachines in theproductionprocessandqualitycontrolmust gohand inhandwith the
consumerneeds.Once theproduct qualitycontrol ismentioned,metal detector in theproductionprocess isconsidered
as apart that helps to create product safety confidence.