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JUL 2017
Currently, thenational productionvolumeof beer inChina isdecreasing for thepast 4years.The
volume of 2016 is 4,506 (Million kiloliters). The top 5 provinces in terms of production volume
areShandong, Guangdong, Henan, Zhejiang, Liaoning.
China’sGermanBeer Fantasy
Throughout the 90s and 00s was also home to numerous Bavarian concepts of
traditionalGermanstylebeer inbothBeijingandShanghai.LedbyPaulaner,Beijing
was also home to Chinese concepts like Gold Hansen as well as other Bavarian
brands that lacked the corporate infrastructureof companies likeHofbrauhausand
Paulaner, namelyDrei Kronen 1308, Hopfenstube/Furst Carl andErlinger.
Craft Beer inChina
China’s first craft beer development was firstly found during 1988-1997 inBeijing.
Itwas thefirst time that asmall brewpubeconomywasdeveloped in the late1980s
withachain thathad two locations in thecity.OpenedbyaHongKong restauranteur,
both locationwere then closedabruptlyafter rumorsof theownershiphaving failed
business dealings and expansion.
In2008,China’sfirst craft brewerywasopenedwith the foundingof BoxingCat
Brewery inShanghai.The in2010,Beijingsaw itsfirst craft breweryopened–Great
LeapBrewing. And in the last seven years, over 200 craft breweries have opened
up all acrossChina. Some of those breweries have already grown quite large, but
the majority still remain nanobreweries and brewpubs. The CBAC boasts a
membership of over 40 craft breweries.
What isCraft Beer inChina?
When speaking of a definition of Craft Beer, each placemostlywill have their own.
China does, too. In China, Craft beer means any brewery that only produces and
sellsup to200,000HLofbeerperyear.Also, thebusinesscanneverhave investments
from other large alcoholic beverage companies. For operationwises, the business
shall produce beer in a brewery or factory, and sell beer in brewpubs, restaurants,
bars, etc. as well asmust have your own personal brand and company name, be
officially registeredwith the government, and be able to issue receipts.
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