The food industrycontinues toconjoinanongoing
issue in themanagement of veterinary drug used
in livestock.Under the regulationsonadministration
of veterinary drugs, the announcement includes
prohibited, reasonableuses,discontinuationunder
the rules, controlled usage by veterinarian
prescriptions.Although therearemany factors that
the controlled measures may not be covered, all
of the reasons behind are tomanage on the drug
resistance that adverselyaffects the total healthof
humanity in the future.
Today, it is no longer focused animal medicines
asaGrowthPromoter.Even though theenforcement
is strictly mandated, some remaining residues are
found both before releasing the product or reaching
the customer.What are the causes of these issues?
Let's look back on the thorough supply chain. What
is unsettlingFoodSafety?
1. At the factory, including a processing plant, a
slaughter house, or a further processing plant, they
shouldbecontinuouslyexploredpossibilities inevery
singlestep.Whether thereareanypotentialpesticide
residues or contaminants that are not caused by
intention. For example, iscleaningagent beingused
contaminatedwith the residue? Itcouldbesomething
we cannot imagine when a contamination occurs.
Haveyou investigatedwhetherhumanmedicinewas
introduced into theproduction lineby theemployee's
unintentional,and that causedcontamination? In this
case, it is often a water-based eye drops used to
relieve itching or disinfection. However, it was a
mistake toboth taking thedrugs intoproduction lines
and failing to inspect the forbiddenbefore entry.
2. At animal feed mills where veterinary drugs
maybemixed foranimal treatment,when thecleaning
processorflushing ishowevernotgoodenough, that
allows the drug residue remaining in the pipe or at
different corners. These can be accumulated more
and more. The animal feeds finally contain a wide
concentration arising from those residues.
Consequently, the options for remedial action are
limited, including a contamination in final feeding
3.At the farm, theuseof theveterinarymedicine
isstill inneed.Even though theyareundercontrolled,
the residue or contamination is always being there.
For instance:
3.1 Medicated feeds are left and gradually
increased in the feeding tube.Finally, they
become a residue in themeat.
3.2The remainingofwatersolubledrugsalong
thedissolvedpipe iscausedby theunclean
pipeafterstopusing thedrug.Anexcessive
use of concentrationdrug can also be
insolubleand accumulated in the tube.
Besides, water used in the farmmay not
be suitable for dissolving, which causes
sediment sitting in the tube.
3.3 Being uses of an unknown sourceof substance or rawmaterial that was
recommended tohelp improveanimal husbandryprocess.On theotherhand,
those rawmaterialsmayalsobe contaminated, suchas theuseof herbs that
arenot certified source or registered.
For all the reasons mentioned above, they are the only some parts that must be
supervised throughout thesupplychain toeliminate the residueorcontaminatecompletely.
It hasbeenequally reconfirmed thatwe, as theproducers, payattention tosuchmatters
decently, not just ad claims. Yet, there is always a constant miscarriage ... Let's help to
produce a food safetymorally.