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OCT 2017
This intelligent testsubstance
isan innovationof theera formoisture
measurement. Itplaysakey role inproductionandqualitycontrolprocess
of every industry ranging from food, medicine, plastic, toname a few. 
Moisture analyzer works by measuring moist content in sample
substanceusing thermogravimetricmeasurement.Themachineconsists
of two parts, heating and weighing devices. When only one of the two
devicesaremalfunctionedor facingerrors from the influenceof external
factors; forexample,erratic room temperatureor irregular roomhumidity,
theanalyzermay deliver invalid test result. Therefore, inquality control
system, users are required to test the equipment regularly to ensure
accurateand reliable results.
Theaccuracyofmoisturemeasurementmaybe influencedbymany
factors, but thereare three crucial factors;
• Temperature change
• Sample differences
• Weighing errors
Notable, factors affecting the accuracy occur from the device itself.
Andwhensample is tested inhigh temperature, thedevice ismore likely
to deliver invalid value. Hence, it is very important that the device is
included in amaintenance planappropriately.
Calibration and Routine Test
are steps that should be taken in
accordance with maintenance plan to make sure that the device,
measurement tool, andmoistureanalyzer areperforming their dutiesat
best.However,weshouldunderstand thesignificantdifferencesbetween
calibration and routine test. 
Calibrationanddeviceadjustmentbyexpertengineersof technicians
are parts of maintenance procedure. The staff must follow operation
plans of each company, or follow the instruction from the device’s
manufacturer. The key importance is to choose trustymeasurement
tool and reliable company. In case of a moisture analyzer, weight
calibration and temperature calibrationmust be conducted every 6
to 12months.
Routine test is normally conducted by users under acceptable
guideline. If the test result yieldsanyvalueoutside thedefined limits,
it indicates the tool’s performances and urges user to perform
maintenance, repair, or re-calibration. User-conducted routine test
shouldbedonemore frequently thancalibration, eitherdaily,weekly,
monthly, or quarterly. The test aims to ensure users that the device
is working normally. In general, routine test frequency depends on
the risks relating to personal usageof moisture analyzer.
In the past, monitoring the performance of such delicate device
requires complicated tools and certain amount of time, as well as
experiences and good understandings of the users. Still, the result
isdifficult todetermine.For these reasons, intelligent test substance
was created. The small beats substance, which is not classified as
hazardous substance and has specific humidity certified by a
laboratory inGermany, canbeusedparticularly to test theefficiency
ofmoistureanalyzer.Userscansimplyconduct the testby themselves
taking merely 10 minutes, and can evaluate the device efficiency
right after the test’s completion. The intelligent test substance
offers data recordingprogram in accordancewith quality system.
Themoistureanalyzer,once tested regularly,willmakeusers feel
confident that theywill getahighquality test resultwithout redundant
stepsand risks from invalid information.Thiswill alsoboost reliability
of the resultsdeliveredby thequickandconvenientdevice,andusers
can evaluate the efficiency test in a timelymanner.
Intelligent test substance
verifies and ensures efficiency and accuracy of moisture analyzer, which affect
directly to the production process and product quality.
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